Up Times
by Bryley · January 2023
’22 in the Rearview
Here are some highlights of what’s been covered in this space in the year gone bye-bye.
Bryley at Thirty-Five
This was the second year under Garin Livingstone’s leadership. Garin has set Bryley’s trajectory: “to make the complexities of networking and security easier for clients to understand. Without the give-and-take of good communication, it’s easy to miss information that might make network management better for our clients …” [7 min. read]
A Few Minutes with Carlos, Field Technician
“Whatever I can do to make a person’s job easier,” was Carlos’ sincere response when I thanked him for moving closer to the mic during this interview. Carlos’ attitude of respect comes through often.
Carlos told me that since he was very young he felt grateful for the opportunities he was given. He felt grateful for America. He said he had wanted to give back by serving in the military, but he had a child at seventeen and so those early thoughts about the way he was going to give back had to change … [5 min. read]
Business Continuity Mixtape – Bryley-curated stories from around the internet:
If you’re trying to get a public wifi connection and a terms and conditions panel is supposed to appear, but won’t … on Android type into your browser google.com/generate_204 … and on an iphone type captive.apple.com … [5 min. read] wsj.com
The gate has been opened, showing us a glimpse of an AI-powered future, writes Benj Edwards in his overview of the AI that has had the most visible impact this past year … [5 min. read] arstechnica.com
Note: The Mixtape section is Bryley’s curated list of external stories. Bryley does not take credit for the content of these stories, nor does it endorse or imply an affiliation with the authors or publications in which they appear.
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