• Pizza party at the office

  • Assessing the fun at Apex

  • The games begin

  • Candlepin. All the way.

  • Riveted to the action

  • The BINGO-rounds victors

  • They don’t just give those things away

  • Champions all

Friday, September 13, Bryley employees had a catered lunch at the office. And that’s where four bowling teams were chosen through a random drawing.

Then the Bryley bunch went down to Apex Entertainment in Marlborough for some fun playing three rounds of candlepin bowling (that’s a version of the sport native to Central Massachusetts, so you know – it’s in the blood). But the first two BINGO rounds probably looked unconventional – we were gaining BINGO squares from knocking over two pins or missing the pins completely, etc.

And see for yourself, above, who brought home the final round’s hardware (don’t be fooled by those kidders on the Olympics-like 3-level podium).