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Bryley Hosted Active Directory (AD) enables administrators to authenticate and authorize users to gain access to the network’s resources.
It is a critical component in securing Windows Server-based networks.
Bryley Hosted Active Directory has efficiencies over hosting AD on your own servers, in that there’s no server maintenance and no patching and updating. In moving away from a physical server and a physical firewall, you will gain access through cloud-based authentication; authentication through an on-premises appliance is also available.
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Active Directory is the heart of a Windows Server-based network. One of AD’s greatest strengths is to permit the centralized creation of user- and group-based policies; it can then enforce these policies, ensuring that members comply with login and usage requirements. It also logs policy violations and login attempts, helpful in securing the network. For more information about Bryley Hosted Active Directory please complete the form, below, call 978.562.6077 or email ITExperts@Bryley.com.
Bryley Hosted Active Directory is part of the Bryley Business Continuity Pyramid
Business continuity is the planning and process by which organizations maintain operation, not severely disrupted by a disaster or other unwanted incident.
Bryley Hosted Active Directory At-A-Glance
As a Silver Microsoft Partner, Bryley provides authorized hosting and support for Microsoft Active Directory
- Owned and operated by Bryley
- Fully-redundant (servers, storage, switching and security) data centers are equipped with multi-vendor/multi-circuit connectivity, on-premises physical security, and backup generator(s)
- Level 3 or better data centers
- Offers the connectivity associated with a Public Cloud facility
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