Entries by Garin Livingstone

Assabet Valley Chamber After-5 — Event a huge success!

I estimate about 50-60 attendees who arrived early (about 4:45pm) and left late (last one out the door at 8pm). Everyone seemed engaged; there were conversations in every nook and corner with people sitting in the comfortable chairs, moving from one area to another, and, generally, having a good time. Thank you to Telly and […]

Bryley Employees in Worcester Business Journal

There have been some changes recently at Bryley, and the Worcester Business Journal has commented: “MICHELLE DENIO has been promoted and JAMES WHEELERand TELLY CASTERNOPOULOS hired at Information technology service provider Bryley Systems of Hudson. Denio was promoted to administrative support technician. She joined Bryley Systems in 2008 and is a resident of Clinton. Wheeler has been hired as […]

Hackers Hijack Email Contacts

Have you received a rogue email from a friend or acquaintance that seems out of character?  For example:  Why is Aunt Mildred calling me “Friend” in her email?  Or, does neighbor Fred really want me to invest in Nigeria? Odds are, their email accounts – particularly if located at online services like Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, […]

Simple passwords = disaster

The top five end-user passwords from 2012 were: password (yes, the actual word itself) 123456 12345678 abc123 qwerty (top-left keys on your keyboard below the numbers)   The top three in this list, “password”, 123456”, and “12345678”, were also the top three passwords in 2011.  Basic analysis:  Most people prefer simple passwords that are easy […]

HP still top PC manufacturer worldwide in a slowing market

Despite internal issues, HP remained the top manufacturer of PCs worldwide in Q4 of 2012 followed by Lenovo (the Chinese firm that purchased IBM’s PC business in 2005) and then Dell. Overall, PC shipments dropped 6.4% from Q4 of 2011. Dan Reisinger of eWeek notes that Q4 of 2012 is the first time in five years […]