Email encrption

Email Encryption That Works

How many times have you heard that email is not secure? But it was always too hard to do much about it. Well, it’s still not secure: The security exposures are on the devices that have the account […]

Tom Barnes

Tom Barnes joins Bryley Systems and makes the case for Business Continuity

Business continuity is the advance planning and preparation undertaken to ensure that an organization will have the capability to operate its critical business functions during emergency events. Tom Barnes, the newest addition to our Business Development Team,  developed a Business Continuity presentation that he recently shared with co-workers.

Tom holds a BS in Psychology from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and has experience selling high-value items. Prior to sales, Tom worked in various industries, and had even started his own company.

Tom is excited to share his expertise in Managed IT Services with others, particularly those organizations that can benefit from Bryley’s  Business Continuity solutions.

Welcome Tom!

Tom Barnes

Email Continuity means smooth sailing

Continuous Email Service

Just as a business relies on email to do its work, it needs to make sure its email service is uninterrupted; and to maintain the information in its emails. The fact is there’s actually a lot going on under email’s hood

Cybercrime in the COVID-Time

Avoiding Cybercriminal Exploitation of COVID-19

Who isn’t looking for some answers? Are the risks of the virus serious for me and the people I’m around? Which government leaders have it right? Am I being asked to go back to work in an unsafe environment? How will the economy impact me and those I care about? This is the kind of uncertainty the unscrupulous prey on.


Giving back, with soap and water

Bryley Systems intern, Aiden, had a full schedule these past two days, washing our employees’s cars.

This event was to show our appreciation to our employees for their dedication to our company and clients.

A special thanks to Aiden, a 2020 High School graduate, who has been a huge help at Bryley Systems, working alongside our team members.

He gave Bryley a thumbs up, for making his work-day fun!

Is Bryley a Technology Company? Sorta

Don’t get me wrong, Bryley loves tech. We love what it brings us, for example:

1 Access to our collective knowledge
2 The extension of our minds 1
3 Time Travel 2 — the time it used to take to communicate with someone else has been erased
4 Collaboration tools
5 Productivity boosters
6 Twitch and Snood

But Bryley sees its function as helping a business run smoothly, reliably, continuously. And our tool to get this done is technology expertise.

Bryley’s a Managed Service Provider — Which Is What Exactly?

A Managed Service Provider (MSP) oversees a company’s computer network infrastructure. MSPs deliver ongoing support that can include the setup, installation, configuration and maintenance of the network and its assets. An MSP can augment a business’s internal IT department and provide higher-level, rarer skills that may not be available to the internal IT department. Because MSPs are proactive, bringing centralized systems management solutions, an MSP can give unmatched peace of mind, that a business’s functioning is secure. 3 The following is not comprehensive, but are some of the areas in which MSPs help.

If you give a moose a mouse…It’s going to want a keyboard! (Or, moose on the loose.)

Today (Thursday, 5/14/2020) at 9am this little guy was visiting Clinton’s Central Park which borders our office. (That’s the Clinton, Massachusetts Town Hall in the background.) Apparently, he was seeking IT support, but was unable to press our video-doorbell. (Cathy Livingstone is demonstrating the appropriate video-doorbell technique, which can be challenging if you have a hoof.)

Many thanks to Sue Templeton, Chief of Staff for Representative Harold Naughton, for sharing the moose picture.


Hat Day at Bryley…

It’s Friday, so something special is going on at the office. Kristin, Director of Services/Delivery, suggested “Fun Friday — Hat Day!”, which led to these pictures. Remember; no matter what the occasion, we are here for you!

If This Is Week Seven It Must Be Tuesday

While most of the Bryley team works from the Clinton office, I’m physically distanced, writing at home. And as the days have grown to months in this work-from-home-if-you-can-work-from-home world, our perspectives change as our settling-in has changed us. So here’s a bit of remote work advice, for the times they are still a-changin’.

And Then There Was Pajama Day

Another Friday in April, Bryley tried out Pajama Day. And it was again a lot of fun and informative!

Roy showed his true Patriot colors (Go Stidham!). Robin wore her awesome animal slippers (does she wear those to get the mail?). Michelle brought her well-loved blanket. Cathy was all about comfort — in her cotton flannels, and toting her coffee and a bit of chocolate therapy. The Legend of Zelda hooded robe donned by Lucas was fantastic (don’t recall if Link wore plaid pajamas? well he shoulda)! And Gavin was seen dragging around a green teddy bear (that an Okie thing?).