Bryley Basics: Introducing Microsoft Windows 10

With the usual hoopla, Microsoft previewed Windows 10 at its Redmond, WA offices on Wednesday, January 21st.  What they unveiled was a solid attempt to provide one operating system for both PCs and for mobile devices that adapts to the device on which it is installed.

Prominent, new features include:

  • Internet Explorer 12 and a new, less-obtrusive browser – Spartan
  • A new, Siri-like, context-aware, digital assistant – Cortana
  • A platform-sensing/shaping utility – Continuum

There is an effort to bring Windows users into the future by fixing past mistakes:

  • The Start menu reappears and displays the traditional desktop, but includes a list of apps on the left (similar to the traditional Start menu) along with the tiles (now named Modern rather than Metro apps) found in Windows 8
  • The Charms bar, a source of controversy in Windows 8, has been removed

Also, Windows 10 may be offered as a service (WaaS); updated will be constantly and automatically applied, potentially with a monthly or yearly subscription.  (Preston Gralla of Computerworld expands on this topic in his 1/21/2015 article “Forget Windows 10 – Here are the four most important words Microsoft said today”.)

For more information, please see Preston Gralla’s preview in the ComputerWorld article: “Windows 10 deep-dive review: Finally, a unified operating systems”.

Email Best Practices

Recommended practices – Part 4:  Email use

This is a multi-part series on recommended practices for organizations and their end-users.  Additional parts will be included in upcoming newsletters.

Email is still the primary business application, although alternatives like texting and social media are gaining ground.  Most business people email to clients, prospects, vendors, stakeholders, etc. on a regular basis; they also accept emails from those in the outside world, occasionally with unforeseen consequence.

Organizations should consider email use in these areas:

  • Inbound – Email received by the organization’s end-users
  • Outbound – Email sent from end-users to others outside the organization
  • Etiquette – The appropriateness of the email’s message and content
  • Archiving – The ability to store and retrieve historic email

I’ll describe the specifics and offer IT solutions to manage each area.

Inbound email

End-users constantly receive email, usually without incident.  However, one misstep in responding can lead to a malware outbreak (or worse).  Plus, failing to block inappropriate email content, even unknowingly, can lead to legal repercussions.  (For example:  An employee could object to receiving an email with explicit pornography and decide to pursue legal recourse.)

Most email-based attacks occur via an attachment; the attachment holds malware designed to activate, usually without fanfare, when the attachment is opened.  Often the email message is enticing, in-disguise, or just plain compelling; the end-user believes that opening the attachment is the right thing to do.

Basic rules for opening an email:

  • Do not open email from an untrusted source; when in doubt, check it out
  • Do not click on an attachment before verifying its integrity
  • Always ask for help if uncertain

The best tool is an email-filtering service or device; a service sits outside your organization (Cloud-based) while a device typically sits inside (on-premise).

A Cloud-based, email-filtering service can improve Internet performance by reducing incoming traffic; all emails are captured by the service before they enter the organization’s Internet connection.  Some services (i.e.: McAfee SaaS Email Protection and Continuity™ or MEPC) also offer email continuity, which provides the ability to receive and respond to email even when your email server or email service is unavailable.  Most email-filtering services are billed monthly on a per-user basis, requiring little or no up-front expenditure.

An on-premise, email-filtering device requires upfront expenditure, but can provide a cost-advantage solution at organizations with many users.  To calculate the true cost per user, you would figure the annual cost of the device, add the annual maintenance fee and support costs, and divide by the total number of users.

Both offer advantages; pick one or use both.  (We offer McAfee Email Protection and Continuity and our Secure Network™ as service options, but also deploy, on-premise, Barracuda’s Spam Filter, Cisco’s IronPort, and WebSense.)

Outbound email

Outbound email should be secure; you don’t want to expose confidential details to an outsider.  However, email is typically sent via open-text format; the contents of the email are unencrypted and can be pieced together by others.

Email typically flows in this fashion:

  • Sender composes the email; this might be on a standalone application like Microsoft Outlook or on a web-based interface like Google Gmail.
  • Sender sends the email, which ships it to the sender’s email server/service.
  • The email server/service addresses the email according to the recipient’s email domain and then forwards it to the email server/service within the recipient’s email domain.
  • Email server/service within the recipient’s email domain receives the email, verifies that the recipient exists within this domain, and then forwards the email to the recipient.
  • Recipient receives the email.

Email within an organization’s email domain via an internal email server is usually secure; an external email service must be examined to ensure messages are encrypted between the sender, service, and recipient.

Security can be enforced through encryption, which offers levels of enforcement.  For example:  You can be forced to encrypt any email with the words “social security number”, but not encrypt other emails.  Likewise, you can encrypt all email from the Accounting team while not encrypting emails from the Marketing team.

Email encryption is available via external services (we recommend McAfee SaaS Email Encryption™) or through an on-premise device (Cisco IronPort or WebSense).

Email etiquette

You should consider what you are saying and how it might affect the recipient.  Even more important, for legal reasons, you should block inappropriate content and malware from being emailed by end-users within your organization.

Outbound policy enforcement and management is available as an external service through McAfee SaaS Email Protection and Continuity, which monitors outgoing email for inappropriate content and malware.  Both Cisco IronPort and Websense provide this capability on-premise.

Beyond the basics listed above, email etiquette extends to these areas:

  • Sending – Always verify grammar, spelling, courtesy, and content
  • Formatting – Don’t type all CAPS; use a white background for readability
  • Forwarding – Don’t forward emails unless relevant and desired by recipient
  • Attachments – Zip large attachments and virus check before sending
  • Privacy – Hide recipients email address when sending to a group

My favorite rules (which I sometimes break):

  • Don’t say things in an email that you would not say verbally to the recipient.
  • If your email is emotionally tinged, sleep on it overnight before sending.

For tips on email etiquette, please visit

Email archiving

Archiving is all about reliable storage and quick retrieval; you never know what you might need to bring back to life or when it will be needed.  Saving tens or hundreds of thousands of emails can be challenging; finding the right email can be virtually impossible, but might be required at a moment’s notice.

Archiving can reduce management and storage costs while satisfying e-discovery and compliance requirements.  Archiving can also simplify requests for email histories during litigation.

We recommend these archiving options:


Bryley Systems participates in the MetroWest Career Pathways at Hudson High School

Bryley Systems participated in the MetroWest Career Pathways at Hudson High School, a fair held on November 19th for area juniors and seniors that are on track to graduate high school, but may not have a clear pathway for what to do after graduation.  Pictured are co-owners Cathy and Gavin Livingstone; they met a lot of  students who expressed an interest in a career in information technology.


Bryley Basics: Surge protection

A surge in power can occur at any time, but is often caused by high-powered equipment or storms that disrupt the normal flow of electricity.  Surges can also occur after a power-outage, when the power comes back on.

Surge protectors are electro-mechanical devices that sit between power-sensitive (electronic) equipment and the wall outlet; their purpose is to protect the power-sensitive equipment from the effects of a sudden increase in power voltage.  (Tom Harris has a terrific primer: “How surge protectors work”, at

Suggestions on purchasing a surge protector:

  • Get one with an indicator light that signals proper operation
  • Verify it is a “transient voltage surge suppressor” and meets UL 1449
  • Expect to spend at least $15-25 to ensure proper quality and better ratings

Plan on replacing periodically; always replace when the indicator light fails (even if it is still providing power to the attached equipment).

We are pleased to announce the addition of two, new employees:

Shelbea Moulin, Administrative Assistant

Shelbea resides in Worcester.  She has a BS in CPA Accounting and Finance from Syracuse University and is currently pursuing an MS in Accounting.

Shelbea brings experience in technical support, having worked as a Student Computer Consultant; she also has exposure to finance and auditing practices from two recent internships.  In recent years, Shelbea has held leadership roles at two non-profit organizations.

Eric Rainville, Technician

Eric resides in Worcester.  He holds an AS degree from the New England Institute of Technology.  He was a Certified Easy Technician at Staples, Inc. and has worked as a Computer Technician since 2010.

More ergonomics from Marty Reed

Marty Reed of Top Enterprise, an ergonomics specialist, visited Bryley early in September for a demonstration on proper ergonomics.  She then visited our cubicles and made individual recommendations.

Her overall suggestions included:

  • Monitor:
    • Set distance at one arm-length from body to monitor.
    • Set height so eyes focus at about 2” below top of monitor.
  • Keyboard:
    • Use wrist rests to get hands up and over keyboards.
    • Keyboard should lay flat on the desktop; do not tilt up back.
  • Chair:
    • Use chair arms periodically to rest arms.
    • Forearms and thighs should be parallel to the ground.
    • Adjust for lower-back support or add a lumbar-support device.
  • General:
    • Look away into the distance at least every hour to reduce eye strain.
    • Get up from your workstation periodically and walk around.

For details, Marty can be reached at

Recommended practices – Part 2: Web browsing/Internet usage

This is a multi-part series on recommended practices for organizations and their end-users.  Additional parts will be included in upcoming newsletters.

End-users browse the web; it’s usually the fastest way to get an answer, search for an item, or make a purchase.  But, browsing comes with some risks:

  • Potential liability from browsing ill-advised sites at work
  • Inadvertent or unintentional download of malicious software
  • Waste of company resources: Internet bandwidth, employee time, etc.

To reduce browsing risks, we recommend have these recommendations:

  • Set an Internet usage policy
  • Monitor and enforce browsing behavior
  • Train staff members on safe-browsing habits

A fourth recommendation, configure and patch/update end-point components (operating system, anti-malware software, Internet browser, etc.), will be covered in future articles.

Set an Internet usage policy

Unless we know what is acceptable, how can it be enforced?  Some organizations, to limit unproductive time, might restrict access to social-media sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), while others (police investigators) may need access to pornographic sites; without a policy, what sites do we monitor and restrict and for whom?

An Internet usage policy should define the dos and don’ts of Internet access; it should be included in the Employee Handbook with a sign-off acknowledgement and should also note that the organization reserves the right to monitor and limit this usage, without restriction.  (See a simple Sample Internet usage policy fromGFI.  Or, review an in-depth Internet usage Policy from the SANs Institute.)

Monitor and enforce browsing behavior

Paul Wood of Symantec™ studied browsing habits of end-users with these findings1:

  • About one-third of users followed the organization’s Internet-use policy,
  • The second one-third generated less than 10% of browsing violations, and
  • The final one-third had over 90% of browsing violations; about 20% of this group actually had more violations than legitimate usage.

Basically, about 66% of end-users follow an organization’s Internet usage policy most or all of the time, but there is a small group that abuses this policy, which suggests that enforcement efforts should focus on the abusers.

To protect an organization, basic monitoring and enforcement of Internet usage is recommended; a typical monitoring/enforcement software application for small to mid-sized organizations should provide, at a minimum, these capabilities:

  • Cluster related sites together (ie: gaming, sports) to set policy by site-groups
  • Combine users by department or functional area to enable group restrictions
  • Whitelist specific sites (or site-groups) to permit unlimited access
  • Blacklist specific sites (or site-groups) to prohibit access

Once deployed, you must continually review the results to inspect what you expect.

Example:  Bryley Systems offers our Secure Network™; an onsite, Unified Threat Management (UTM) tool with monitoring and enforcement of web browsing.  The results are periodically reviewed and reported by Bryley Systems to the client.

Train on safe-browsing habits

It is important that staff know and understand the importance of an organizations’ Internet usage policy; they have a significant role to play in this effort.

Basic rule is to not click on any site that you do not trust.  However, even some trustworthy sites can be hijacked and route an unsuspecting user to an unintended site with unexpected consequences.

Some browsing tips2:

  • Do not click on pop-ups
  • Do not open links within spam email
  • Check a site’s actual address in the address bar; this address should always match the expected site-name (URL)
  • When in doubt, shout it out (call for help)

There are also many online, security-training options; we offer a video-training package on a per-user basis through our business partner, Deadbolt Security.


  1. See Paul Wood’s article “Employee browsing habits, the good, the bad, and the ugly” at Symantec Intelligence.
  2. Dylan Herix offers “An idiot’s guide to good browsing habits” at AppStorm Guide.

 Winner of our business-card raffle at the Central Mass Business Expo (CMBE)

Congratulations to Maureen Raillo, CEO at W Limousine in West Boylston, MA!

Maureen_Beats Audio Winner_web

Maureen won a Beats Pill™, and a Beats Pill character stand.  (Beats Pill is a lightweight, portable, and wireless speaker that lets you bring music wherever you go; combined with the character stand, the value is over $250.)

Bryley Basics: Get ready for USB Type C

USB (Universal Serial Bus) has been part of the computer world since 1998; it typically connects peripherals (printers, scanners, cameras, etc.) to computers.

A new USB cable, USB Type C, should hit the shelves next year.  It will use the USB 3.1 standard, which is backward-compatible with USB 3.0 and USB 2.0 and permits data transfer at up to 10Gbps.

USB Type C will have these features:

  • Smaller connector ports at 8.44mm by 2.6mm
  • Connectors are the same on both sides of the cable (allowing cable reversal)

For details, please visit Dong Ngo’s write-up “USB Type-C: One cable to connect them all” from August 22nd, 2014 on CNet or see Steven Shanklan’s article “Meet the next-gen USB cable that could sweep away all others in the April 1st, 2014 write-up on CNet.

Why do organizations ignore information (cyber) security?

I read an interesting article by Don Jones of Redmond Magazine titled: “The Quest for a Culture of Security”.  In it, Mr. Jones notes (via my paraphrasing):

  • Security gets limited attention and even less funding from decision makers
  • Security hacking has become a profession with significant financial rewards
  • Every company is a target and has been, at a minimum, probed by hackers

In 2010, I witnessed the first item above when Bryley Systems hosted a series of seminars on the (then) new Massachusetts statute for the protection of personal information (201 CMR 17.00); people attended the seminars and took the first steps toward compliance, but most ignored the difficult changes and few made security (and compliance) part of their corporate structure.

Mr. Jones’ suggestion:  Ingrain security into your corporate culture; make it as important as uptime and connectivity and make it a fundamental part of everything you do.

Lynn Russo Whylly, in her May 14th 2014 article “How to Prevent Becoming the Next “Target” of a Data Security Breach” from Chief Executive, recommends:

  • Discuss security with your CIO or MSP regularly (to highlight its importance).
  • Walk-through the data center (to pose questions about its vulnerabilities).
  • Setup security goals and then monitor metrics (to inspect what you expect).
  • Hire an outside person/firm to attack your security (and highlight its flaws).

Her position is that security is a part of the CEO’s responsibility; one of continually growing importance.