For every learning style and to meet individuals’ time availability, Bryley Knowledge Base offers three ways to learn: webinars, a video library and extended classes
How to Keep Your Employees Up to Speed
Office 365 … er actually Microsoft 365 … keeps changing.
Unlike when you could purchase licenses with three-year feature cycles, the Software-as-a-Service (SAAS) model with rolling updates means that every month we’re getting feature updates. While the features are intended to be productivity enhancements, in the short-term integrating rolling changes can be disconcerting to end-users who expect functions and menus to be where they left them yesterday.1
What would it mean to have your workforce not struggling with program changes, but fluent and productive, in spite of the updates by your SAAS providers? That’s a role Bryley Knowledge Base can fill for you. Bryley is supported by Knowledgewave of Burlington, Vermont to provide the help your employees need. Bryley and Knowledgewave are Microsoft Partners and so offer informed help in the use of and changes to Microsoft 365.
It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes us – it’s what we do consistently
-Anthony Robbins
Bryley Knowledge Base has the tech instruction you need in one place — with instructors that are fully-qualified, professional trainers both on-staff and through Knowledgewave. Bryley Knowledge Base increases your workers’ productivity — and importantly you can track it.
Sure, it’s possible for employees when they’re stuck in a program to Google it and find a random video. But often the Google and Youtube searches take up a lot of time until he/she may get an answer that helps. And if a random video tutorial gets circulated among your team, how would you ever know who watched it? Or who payed attention and actually learned from it? This is a scattershot approach and not ideal. And there’s no chance to ask an instructor an immediate question with a prerecorded video.
What is ideal is a learning approach that offers a library of more than two thousand videos in the use of business applications and professional development, as well as short interactive webinar workshops and longer classes. In both of these latter cases, your employee interacts with the teacher and other students so he can be sure he’s really understanding the material. This three-prong online approach to learning — a video library and two different-length formats for engaging with the instructor — is what sets Bryley Knowledge Base apart.
Admins Over the Moon
And while you’re giving your people the skills they need to succeed, your admins have an Account menu revealing a dashboard that shows the participation of team members. Admins have access to training analytics that present who has watched a video and completed any follow-up coursework. This data can allow you to reward those who have finished on-time and check in with those who haven’t, in order to come up with a training solution that keeps them on schedule for completion.
And Bryley Knowledge Base programs are designed by professional trainers so they reach employees in the ways that they learn best. By offering the material in a video library, as live webinars and as in-depth, live classes, all with visual and auditory components, multiple parts of the brain are stimulated to convey the subjects completely and powerfully.
Bryley Knowledge Base’s expert teachers are also available for your organization’s specific needs — happy to design a class on software use, professional development and technical training. Just let us know.
For the Best
You support your employees by getting them what they need in both infrastructure, and for their growth in the use of their tools. With consistency and accountability Bryley Knowledge Base gives your employees earned confidence while increasing your organization’s productivity. And that fulfills Bryley’s mission to be the connective tissue that helps our region’s businesses run. Can Bryley help your organization function better? Call 978.562.6077 or email ITExperts@bryley.com.
1 as an example last month Outlook rearranged its profile cards

President, Bryley Systems. Since 1987 Mr Livingstone has steered Bryley to continuous growth with over 250 clients throughout New England and the US. He has extensive knowledge of technology and business operations.