The American Rental Association of Massachusetts (ARA) set their member organizations on the path to cybersecurity awareness this month. ARA received six hour-and-fifteen-minute-long custom seminars that introduced the concepts of Security Awareness Training – tailored to their industry.
Bryley VP Roy Pacitto facilitated the online, interactive sessions that provided an introduction to Security Awareness Training (SAT) for ARA member organizations. The aim was to provide each participant with the basics that if the concepts presented were adhered-to the organizations would be less likely to experience a security breach. It was explained at the outset that one-time training sessions have only limited benefit. But couple initial training with ongoing Security Awareness Training and the results are historically impressive in minimizing cybersecurity risks.
The seminars gave an overview of these areas:
- Physical Security
- Desktop and Phone Security
- Network Security
- Passwords
- Phishing
- Hoaxes
- Malware
There are a variety of benefits to a Security Awareness Training program. Bringing cybersecurity training to your employees or the members of your trade association will ensure everyone is on the same page understanding and complying with best practices and the protocols and regulations specific to your industry. SAT improves end-users’ awareness of online risks and the types of digital content and behaviors to avoid, helping to minimize the chance of a breach. It also can give attendees the advantage of knowing the procedures to follow and courses of action should a breach occur.
Email phishing scams are a moving target that continue to be effective. They are still one of the preferred methods hackers use to gain access credentials, infiltrate networks, steal sensitive data, and launch malware. Today’s phishing emails take advantage of end users’ trust, gullibility and their desire to perform well at work.
If your employees or member organizations’ employees have been taught how to identify suspicious emails, both within the work environment and in personal settings, the company will be much less likely to fall victim to this type of attack.
Security training can help save money by cutting the number of breaches that need to be dealt with, the amount of downtime and hours spent on recovery, even the number of ransoms paid to criminals.
Security Awareness Training can help you better ensure the security of your customers’ data, which, in turn, helps to protect your company’s reputation.
Bryley has the training expertise and tools to significantly lessen the risk your business or member organizations will suffer an incident. Equip your group with the tools you need them to have to detect and prevent cyberattacks.
Bryley Systems has been a trusted adviser in securing technology since 1987. If you would like more information about Bryley’s approach to Security Awareness Training, please call 978.562.6077 or email
Lawrence writes about networking and security. He’s written for Bryley since 2015.