About 3mediaweb
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Entries by 3mediaweb
Bryley Basics: How to Clean your computer to ensure optimal efficiency
September 21, 2017 in Blog Post, How To, Newsletter, Resources /by 3mediawebTechnology was designed to make our lives easier and more efficient, but it can only do that if it’s maintained. As the winter months approach, it’s a perfect time to ensure your computer is running efficiently. What needs to be cleaned? Keyboard. Do you eat on or near your computer? If so, crumbs may have […]
What you need to know about the Equifax Hack
September 8, 2017 in Blog Post, Industry News, Managed IT, News, Security /by 3mediawebEquifax announced yesterday afternoon that they suffered a breach of their data in late July, affecting as many as 143 million individuals, or roughly 44% of the US. Equifax is one of the three main organizations that calculates credit scores, and thus has access to an extraordinary amount of personal and financial data for nearly […]
Bryley’s Prestigious Channel Partners 360 Award Travels the U.S.
September 5, 2017 in Blog Post /by 3mediawebAfter being honored as one of 25 recipients worldwide, our prestigious award is traveling the U.S. in celebration – being one of the most sought-after in the industry of technology solutions. 5 Mile Bridge. The Mackinac Bridge, more commonly known as the 5 Mile Bridge is the longest suspension bridge in the Western Hemisphere. It […]
Don’t be fooled by Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund Scams
September 1, 2017 in Blog Post, News, Security /by 3mediawebIn the aftermath of natural disasters, such as Hurricane Harvey, we see both the good and the bad of humanity. We’ve heard stories of stores opening as shelters, civilians using their boats and reporters stopping during a live shot to lead rescuers to a trucker that was stuck in his cab! Unfortunately, we’ve also heard […]
Bryley is on the move!
August 31, 2017 in Announcement, Blog Post, News, Newsletter /by 3mediawebSome of you may know, but Bryley has outgrown our current location in Hudson and will be moving to Clinton. Our new building is a historic 1937 post office that was completely renovated and modernized in 2004. It has more than 10,000 square feet, the majority of which we will occupy, and comes with glass-walled offices, […]
Ray Baldez obtains his Mac certification
August 29, 2017 in Blog Post, Newsletter /by 3mediawebRaymond “Ray” Baldez successfully became MAC certified as an Apple Support Professional (ACSP). With this certification, Ray understands the MacOS core functionalities and has the knowledge to support MacOS users, manage their networks, and provide technical support.
Why Ransomware Hits Smaller Organizations Harder
August 24, 2017 in Blog Post, Managed IT, Newsletter, Security /by 3mediawebRansomware and other cyberattacks seem to be more prevalent than in previous years. While the news has mostly focused on the large attacks (WannaCry, Petya, Netflix hack, etc), small businesses are not immune to these dangers. In fact, in a recent study performed by Symantec, it was discovered that phishing campaigns targeted small businesses 43% […]
Bryley Systems named to Top IT Service Providers by the Worcester Business Journal
August 15, 2017 in Announcement, Blog Post, Newsletter /by 3mediawebEach year, the Worcester Business Journal (WBJ) compiles and publishes a list of IT Service Providers throughout Central Massachusetts. The list, published on June 12, 2017, ranked Bryley Systems among the top 15 organizations surveyed. Rankings are determined based on survey results, federal filings and Web sites.
Bryley Systems named in Top 501 Managed IT Service Providers (MSPs) Worldwide for the Fourth Consecutive Year!
August 10, 2017 in Blog Post, Industry News, Newsletter /by 3mediawebBryley Systems, for the fourth-straight year, ranks among the world’s most progressive 501 Managed Service Providers (MSPs), according to MSPmentor’s 10th-annual MSP 501 Worldwide Company Rankings. The top MSP 501 companies ranked this year include organizations from around the world and from diverse technology and business backgrounds. Collectively, they amassed $14.48 billion in total revenue […]
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