Entries by Garin Livingstone

Merchants should get ready for EMV credit cards in 2015

The aging, magnetic-stripe credit cards are being replaced by EMV, a new standard with an embedded microchip that stores encoded user credentials with an optional PIN.  These two capabilities combine to reduce fraud by making EMV cards harder to clone and more difficult to use if stolen. However, retailers and other merchants will need to […]

Recommended practices – Part-5: Software updates and patching

This is a multi-part series on recommended IT practices for organizations and their end-users.  Additional parts will be included in upcoming newsletters. In general, software manufacturers update their products for these reasons: Resolve problems Fix vulnerabilities Make easier to use Provide new features The first two are of significant concern, particularly with operating systems (Microsoft […]

Consumer PC Price Cuts!

In an effort to bridge the gap between current Windows 8.1 and upcoming Windows 10 (not sure what happened to Windows 9), Microsoft is shepherding a dramatic decrease in the prices of consumer PCs and Windows-based devices. These price decreases started in October with year-over-year reductions of 10% and falling, particularly for consumer-class PCs; higher-priced, […]

Email Best Practices

Recommended practices – Part 4:  Email use This is a multi-part series on recommended practices for organizations and their end-users.  Additional parts will be included in upcoming newsletters. Email is still the primary business application, although alternatives like texting and social media are gaining ground.  Most business people email to clients, prospects, vendors, stakeholders, etc. […]

Bryley video from DiscoverHudson.org

Bryley Systems will be featured at DiscoverHudson.org, a website that extols the virtues of Hudson, MA and its business community. You can also view this video, as well as others, on our Video’s page at https://www.bryley.com/resources/videos/.

Bryley Systems’ President Gavin Livingstone Interviewed On Chamber Exchange

Tim Murray (President/CEO of the Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce and former Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts) interviewed Gavin Livingstone (President of Bryley Systems Inc.) on Charter TV3 earlier this year. Gavin Livingstone Interview On Chamber Exchange Visit http://www.Bryley.com/resources/videos/ to check out the rest of our video library.

Bryley Basics: Fixed-disk drive recycling and destruction

Fixed-disk drives are located in most personal computers, servers, and even some copiers and printers; they store business data and confidential information.  When retired, they require special handling and recycling to ensure that this information is not available to others.  In addition, compliance and military standards dictate specific procedures regarding erasure and destruction. Most fixed-disk […]

Mike Carlson achieves VMware VTSP 5.5

VMware awarded Mike Carlson, our Chief Technology Officer (CTO), with the VMware Technical Solutions Professional 5.5 (VTSP 5.5) certification; a significant milestone in the VMware certification process that requires detailed product knowledge and the successful completion of six modules with corresponding tests.