Could it have been Princess Leia backing up her message to an R2 unit that set Star Wars fan Frank Walek on his career course?
Frank Walek runs all the backups for every Bryley client. Changes at Bryley, including a retirement, created a new opportunity for Frank: the timing coincided with Bryley’s broader deployment of new backup technology. Frank said, “that was exciting. I got to take on and really oversee the backup project, including the transition from older technology.”
And then I had to deploy thirty more appliances
“I was given a good introduction to Bryley’s new backup system before the retirement of one of Bryley’s prime movers behind the implementation, Frank said. “And then I had to deploy thirty more appliances. And this led to several high-level meetings with engineers to go over ‘how do we set-up the client appliance to replicate the data over to Bryley’s Private Cloud so we have that 3-2-1 we always talk about?,’ ‘how do we deploy the appliances?’ And just the doing … getting the appliances out, running the backups and monitoring.”
That 3-2-1 We Always Talk About
The main goal of the 3-2-1 rule is that you end up with three different copies of your data in three different places.
In other words, this doesn’t count: three copies on one backup appliance (or on the same backup media [e.g. a single physical server with multiple virtual machines]). Backup isn’t about archiving to maintain your business’s records. Three copies is about having redundant copies of your system’s current (or near-current) state.
Two different types of media means at least two different methods to store data are used. So your three copies might be, for example, a backup appliance, a Hyper-V virtual machine and your working, production copy.
And keeping at least one copy of data on-site means you can restore fast – and keeping at least one copy of data off-site protects it from natural disasters and many instances of possible employee error.
3-2-1: a Good Strategy When the Objective Is Continuity
Bryley’s goal is your business continuity: the planning and process by which you will maintain operation, not severely disrupted by a disaster or other unwanted incident. The right backups are an integral part of that plan and process. As Frank explained, “Bryley’s appliances have the capacity to spin-up virtual copies of the client’s servers on the appliances themselves or in the [public] cloud.”
“It’s recommended in a 3-2-1 scheme that clients also have their data copied to Bryley [Private Cloud]. In the event something happens to the appliance on-site, all their data is still available to recover. And Bryley offers the option to copy a client’s backup data to the [public] cloud with up to a one-year retention.”
Simplicity, High-Speed Performance and Dependable Continuity
Bryley backup is enterprise-grade while eliminating the complexity of typical backup solutions. The reason behind the design of Bryley’s backup solution was to put to rest your concerns about data backup and reliable defense in the face of a disaster.
Bryley’s business continuity strategy includes an Incident Response Plan, layered backup with failover options, least-privilege policies, regular assessments, anti-malware, email protections and employee Security Awareness Training.
If you choose Bryley for backing-up chances are good you’ll work with Frank, who consistently earns praise from clients, like the recent remark from a recruiting company’s manager, “Frank’s easily one of the best techs I’ve worked with.” He’s valued by Bryley and so was recently promoted. For more information about Bryley and backups, please contact us at 978.562.6077 or ITExperts@Bryley.com.

President, Bryley Systems. Since 1987 Mr Livingstone has steered Bryley to continuous growth with over 250 clients throughout New England and the US. He has extensive knowledge of technology and business operations.