How to Dispose of Your Old Cell Phone

If you purchased or received a new smartphone recently, you may be wondering what to do with your previous phone. Only about 10% of our mobile devices are properly recycled. Where do they go? Many remain hidden in a desk drawer or some other forgotten place. More often, they find their way into the trash and end up in landfills. If you aren’t sure about what to do with your now old cell phone, don’t toss it.

“Why Recycle Old Cell Phones?  Basically, cell phones contain toxic metals – such as lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium, all of which have the tendency to pollute the environment and affect human health. When you dispose your old cell phone in the garbage bin, through which it is sent to landfills, the toxic metals in it come in contact with soil, and pollute it. The problem is not just restricted to this, as these metals also have the tendency to pollute ground water sources and eventually harm humans. Instead, when you opt for cell phone recycling, these metals are extracted and reused as a result of which they do not contaminate the environment. More importantly, reusing these metals will also reduce the need of mining them.”1

What Should I Do Before I Recycle or Donate My Cell Phone?

  1. Make sure the account has been deactivated and all bills have been fully paid.
  2. Remove the SIM card (if there is one).
  3. Clear all personal information.

To do this, you want to delete all photos, messages, contacts and personal files. Recycle My Cell has a tool that allows you to select your phone’s manufacturer and model and provides detailed instructions on how to clear your specific device of all personal information.

Donate.  There are many charities that accept old cell phones as donations. There are many agencies who specialize in pairing people in need with donated phones. You can choose to drop off the phone in person or save some time and simply mail the phone in. Choose an organization in your area and support a good cause with this great way to recycle your cell phone.  Cell Phones for Soldiers is just one example of an organization that will benefit by your donation. Recycling for Charities also offers some additional suggestions, and an FAQ guide.

Give it to a Family Member or Friend.  If you have already given your older phone to a family member or friend, that’s a great way to recycle. Teenagers, grandparents, or other family members may really benefit from having a phone you’re personally acquainted with. This could be a great gift for those looking for their first phone or those who need a cell for convenience only.  Ask around in the neighborhood where you live – perhaps a neighbor will know a person in need.

Sell It.  Are you looking for some extra cash to use on holiday gifts? Why not sell your old cell phone? There are several websites that offer buy back services for cell phones. By using these sites, you’ll include a middle man in the equation and you’ll lose a portion of the money to pay for the service. You can also sell the phone yourself on a site like eBay or Craig’s List. It might take a little longer, but if you choose this option, you’ll get to keep all of the profit. The newer your phone, the more money you’ll make by selling it.

EPA – Electronics Donation and Recycling Guide:  Click Here to for helpful advice and a list of where you can donate your used cell phone.

How will you choose to recycle your cell phone? Don’t let it take up space in your home. Find the way that works best for you and cross the task off of your to do list.


“Free” Security Scan? Beware of Scammers.

“Messages telling you to install and update security software for your computer seem to be everywhere. So you might be tempted by an offer of a “free security scan,” especially when faced with a pop-up, an email, or an ad that claims “malicious software” has already been found on your machine. Unfortunately, it’s likely that the scary message is a come-on for a rip-off.

The free scan claims to find a host of problems, and within seconds, you’re getting urgent pop-ups to buy security software. After you agree to spend $40 or more on the software, the program tells you that your problems are fixed. The reality: there was nothing to fix. And what’s worse, the program now installed on your computer could be harmful.

Scammers have found ways to create realistic but phony “security alerts.” Though the “alerts” look like they’re being generated by your computer, they actually are created by a con artist and sent through your Internet browser.

These programs are called “scareware” because they exploit a person’s fear of online viruses and security threats. The scam has many variations, but there are some telltale signs. For example:

  • you may get ads that promise to “delete viruses or spyware,” “protect privacy,” “improve computer function,” “remove harmful files,” or “clean your registry;”
  • you may get “alerts” about “malicious software” or “illegal pornography on your computer;”
  • you may be invited to download free software for a security scan or to improve your system;
  • you could get pop-ups that claim your security software is out-of-date and your computer is in immediate danger;
  • you may suddenly encounter an unfamiliar website that claims to have performed a security scan and prompts you to download new software.


Scareware purveyors also go to great lengths to make their product and service look legitimate. For example, if you buy the software, you may get an email receipt with a customer service phone number. If you call, you’re likely to be connected to someone, but that alone does not mean the company is legitimate. Regardless, remember that these are well-organized and profitable schemes designed to rip people off.

How Do the Scammers Do It?

Scareware schemes can be quite sophisticated. The scam artists buy ad space on trusted, popular websites. Even though the ads look legitimate and harmless to the website’s operator, they actually redirect unsuspecting visitors to a fraudulent website that performs a bogus security scan. The site then causes a barrage of urgent pop-up messages that pressure users into downloading worthless software.

What to Do

If you’re faced with any of the warning signs of a scareware scam or suspect a problem, shut down your browser. Don’t click “No” or “Cancel,” or even the “x” at the top right corner of the screen. Some scareware is designed so that any of those buttons can activate the program. If you use Windows, press Ctrl + Alt + Delete to open your Task Manager, and click “End Task.” If you use a Mac, press Command + Option + Q + Esc to “Force Quit.”

If you get an offer, check out the program by entering the name in a search engine. The results can help you determine if the program is on the up-and-up.

Good Security Practices

Check that your security software is active and current: at a minimum, your computer should have anti-virus and anti-spyware software, and a firewall. You can buy stand-alone programs for each element — or a security suite that includes these programs — from a variety of sources, including commercial vendors and your Internet Service Provider. The security software that was installed on your computer when you bought it generally works for just a short time — unless you pay a subscription fee to keep it in effect.

Make it a practice not to click on any links within pop-ups.  Report possible fraud online at or by phone at 1-877-FTC-HELP. Details about the purchase — including what website you were visiting when you were redirected — are helpful to investigators.”1


1 Reprinted:  The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is the nation’s consumer protection agency. The FTC works to prevent fraudulent, deceptive and unfair business practices in the marketplace.

Federal Trade Commission, Consumer Information

Note: This article was previously available as “Free Security Scan” Could Cost Time and Money.

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Beware of Tech Support Scams!

There are scammers who will call and claim to be a computer tech associated with well-known companies like Microsoft or Apple.  Other scammers send pop-up messages that warn about computer problems.  They say they’ve detected viruses or other malware on your computer.  They claim to be ‘tech support’ and will ask you to give them remote access to your computer.  Eventually, they’ll diagnose a non-existent problem and ask you to pay for unnecessary – or even harmful – services.

If you get an unexpected pop-up, call, spam email or other urgent message about problems with your computer, STOP.  Don’t click on any links, don’t give control of your computer and don’t send any money.

How the Scam Works

Scammers may call, place alarming pop-up messages on your computer, offer free “security” scans, or set up fake websites – all to convince you that your computer is infected. The scammers try to get you on the phone, and then work to convince you there’s a problem. Finally, they ask you to pay them to fix that non-existent problem.

To convince you that both the scammers and the problems are real, the scammers may:

  • pretend to be from a well-known company – like Microsoft or Apple
  • use lots of technical terms
  • ask you to get on your computer and open some files – and then tell you those files show a problem (when they don’t)

Then, once they’ve convinced you that your computer has a problem, the scammers might:

  • ask you to give them remote access to your computer – which lets them change your computer settings so your computer is vulnerable to attack
  • trick you into installing malware that gives them access to your computer and sensitive data, like user names and passwords
  • try to sell you software that’s worthless, or that you could get elsewhere for free
  • try to enroll you in a worthless computer maintenance or warranty program
  • ask for credit card information so they can bill you for phony services, or services you could get elsewhere for free
  • direct you to websites and ask you to enter your credit card number and other personal information

These scammers want to get your money, access to your computer, or both. But there are things you can do to stop them.

If You Get a Call or Pop-Up

  • If you get an unexpected or urgent call from someone who claims to be tech support, hang up. It’s not a real call. And don’t rely on caller ID to prove who a caller is. Criminals can make caller ID seem like they’re calling from a legitimate company or a local number.
  • If you get a pop-up message that tells you to call tech support, ignore it. There are legitimate pop-ups from your security software to do things like update your operating system. But do not call a number that pops up on your screen in a warning about a computer problem.
  • If you’re concerned about your computer, call your security software company directly – but don’t use the phone number in the pop-up or on caller ID. Instead, look for the company’s contact information online, or on a software package or your receipt.
  • Never share passwords or give control of your computer to anyone who contacts you.

If You Were Scammed

  • Get rid of malware. Update or download legitimate security software and scan your computer. Delete anything the software says is a problem.
  • Change any passwords that you shared with someone. Change the passwords on every account that uses passwords you shared.
  • If you paid for bogus services with a credit card, call your credit card company and ask to reverse the charges. Check your statements for any charges you didn’t make, and ask to reverse those, too. Report it to gov/complaint.

Refund Scams

If you paid for tech support services, and you later get a call about a refund, that call is probably also a scam. Don’t give the person any personal or financial information.

The refund scam works like this: Several months after a purchase, someone calls to ask if you were happy with the service. If you say “No”, the scammer offers a refund. Or, the caller says the company is going out of business and giving refunds. The scammer eventually asks for your bank or credit card account number, or asks for access to your bank account to make a deposit. But instead of putting money in your account, the scammer takes money from your account.

If you get a call like this, hang up, and report it:


1 Reprinted:  The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is the nation’s consumer protection agency. The FTC works to prevent fraudulent, deceptive and unfair business practices in the marketplace.

Federal Trade Commission, Consumer Information

Bryley Systems Ranks #5 as a Top IT Service Provider!

Worcester Business Journal.

May 28, 2018, Volume 29, Number 10 – Book of Lists

Bryley Systems was recently featured in the Worcester Business Journal’s Book of Lists, being ranked #5 as a Top IT service provider.

Bryley Systems is a Managed IT/Cloud/Security Services Provider with clients throughout New England and across the continental United States.  We have fulfill the IT needs of organizations with a focused, client-friendly approach by combining brand-name equipment and software with flexible service options and low-risk, custom-fit, support agreements. Our certified, experienced staff – backed by seasoned management – approach each client’s needs individually.

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Best Practices to Keep Computers From Overheating

The cooling system of a computer (the fan, heat sinks, vents, etc.) forms one of the most essential components of your device. “Simply put, if your computer becomes too hot, it is possible to destroy and shorten the lifespan of the hardware inside your computer, leading to irreparable damage and potential data loss. Besides losing your data, heat pecks away at your computer’s internal organs—the motherboard, CPU, and more—significantly shortening its lifespan.  Besides the most obvious reason to keep your computer cool, a hot computer will also run slower than a cooler computer. So to prevent your computer from slowing down, make sure that it is running at a moderate or low temperature.”1

Air Flow.  Leave at least three inches of room for airflow around each computer, particularly along the back.  Keep things such as papers, files, or other heating elements away from your computer.  Computer stands are handy to allow for proper airflow.  If you work with a laptop, avoid soft surfaces.  The rubber feet on a laptop will provide room for air to flow under the computer.  Also remember never to leave your laptop turned on before placing it in your bag or briefcase. This would cause the heat to accumulate in one place and thus cause the laptop to overheat.

Dust and Debris.  If dust and debris clog up the air vents, it stops the proper air flow.  When dust and lint build up over the fan, it causes it to work harder.  A layer of dust covering other heat generating parts such as the RAM and Hard Disk can also cause overheating.  In a dusty environment, clean the inside of a computer periodically, particularly the internal fans.  Also, where possible, do not place the computer on a carpeted surface; the carpet fibers are ingested into the computer, building up on the interior surfaces. If you decide to personally clean your computer make sure the system is off and the power cable is unplugged.  To avoid damaging the sensitive electronics, do not touch internal components.

Fans.  The CPU, graphics cards and other computer components generate a great deal of heat. To combat that heat, computers come with internal fans to circulate air.  Keeping those fans in good working order is critical to a well-running system.  Clean the inside of office computers every 8-12 months, particularly the internal fans. All it takes is a can of compressed air and a small brush. Check to ensure that fans are operating. You can do this by turning on the computer with the case open. There should be two or three fans inside the box.  If increased cooling is necessary, consider adding a case fan, attached inside the computer to the front or back of the case. Several manufacturers also make specialized fans for individual components, such as high speed computer memory.  In many cases, computers come installed with very basic CPU fans. Upgrading to a more efficient fan can increase cooling power.

Temperature.  Computers prefer a room temperature of no more than 77 degrees Fahrenheit, with humidity between 35% and 80%.  Resist the temptation to turn off the office air conditioning over the weekend to try and save money. For added protection, install a smart thermostat that will alert you if the temperature moves higher than the desired range. Catching an air conditioning problem early can save costly electronics repairs.

Battery.  If you want to keep your computer safe from overheating, never overcharge the battery. Most people plug in the chargers of their laptops and keep them connected even when the battery is charged to a 100%.  Never do so. Not only does it cause overheating but according to some computer experts, it also reduces the battery life.

PC Settings.   “Tweaking the power settings of your computer is also an effective solution to overheating. Less power consumption leads to less heat generation.”2

  • Try to avoid setting the brightness to maximum.

Some additional best practices would include managing power and data:

  • Shut down workstations at the end of the day. This not only cools the system but also protects against power surges caused by storms. (Note: patching often occurs after-hours; leave your computer powered-on overnight when patching is scheduled)
  • You can also adjust your power settings and screensaver to switch the system to ‘Sleep’ or ‘Hibernate’ mode when not in use.
  • For critical workstations (including servers and other key devices) attach an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). This will protect them against surges and power outages.  For less critical devices, a surge protector should be sufficient.

By utilizing these tips you should have a longer lifespan of your computer.  The time spent taking proper care of your equipment should save time and money in the long run.

1 + 2


Crucial Steps to Take if Your Email Has Been Hacked

Many years ago Yahoo users fell victim to one of the largest data breaches in internet history.  Names, passwords and email addresses for every single customer account on the company’s servers were exposed in a cybersecurity attack.  This attack was very sophisticated – three billion users across multiple services under Yahoo’s umbrella were left vulnerable as a result of the hack.   In late 2017 the complete details surfaced after Yahoo’s parent company was made aware of the nature of the attack.

Whether you use services such as Yahoo Mail, or providers such as Microsoft, Google and Apple, you should be aware about the security of your own email address. After all, your email may be the single most important digital asset you own.  All communication is typically related to your professional networks, personal relationships, and credentials for every other digital service for which you’ve signed up.   All of this data can be used for identity theft, financial fraud, a vehicle for spam, and blackmail.  While there are safeguards you can implement to deter cyber thieves from accessing your personal account, in a severe breach these best practices may not be enough to prevent your email account from being hacked.

If you suspect that you have been targeted, quick action on your behalf is always required to prevent further damage.  If you are in the office, communicate with your IT Administrator immediately.  If you are at home either contact an IT professional, or follow these steps to try and recover your compromised email account. (Remember, in a widespread and very severe breach, these best practices may not be enough to recover your account, and there may be future damages to recover from).

Try to change your password.  You will need to verify whether your email address is still accessible. Most hackers will immediately change your password to prevent you from using your account. If you are able to secure entry before this has been done, you can reduce the threat of further attacks.

  • Make sure your new password differs completely from your last one, and don’t reference any easily guessed personal details such as your birthday or your pet’s name. Ideally, your password should be at least 10 characters long, and it should include a special character and number.
  • In addition, you should look to change your answer to any secret questions used in the account recovery process. After doing so, confirm that the alternative email addresses and phone numbers associated with your email account are not changed.
  • If you are having trouble regaining control of the account, visit your mail provider’s site for instructions on recovering your account. Apple, Google, Microsoft and Yahoo all have guides on their sites, as should other email and internet service providers.

Email everyone on your contact list including business associates, family members and friends about the breach. Next, get in touch with your email provider and report the details. Not only will this alert them to future infiltration attempts, but they may also be able to provide you with further details about the incident and where the access attempts came from.

If you feel sensitive information like bank records have been compromised, you should reach out to a credit reporting agency and have them track your personal credit activity in the months following the incident.

Your account may have been hacked through malicious software, so scan your computer for malware and viruses with a security program. You should also update your computer and devices with the latest security updates.

Recover Your Account.  If you cannot access your account using your old password, then you will need to put in some extra effort before you can recapture sole control of your email address. Start with the “forgot your password” option and check out the recovery options available. It may be as simple as sending an email to an alternative account or a text message to your mobile phone to regain control.

If these options are not available, or you do not have access to your alternative accounts, then you will need to browse through the help center for your email provider for other means of securing access. In worst-case scenarios you might be forced to contact customer service from your provider.

Check Your Email Settings to make sure nothing has been changed.  Keep an eye out for any changes made to your email settings and reset them back to your preferences. Possible issues you should be aware of include:

  • An unfamiliar forwarding address added to your email
  • A new “reply to” email address that tricks your contacts into sending their replies to a different account
  • An enabled auto-response option, used to send out spam messages to your contacts
  • Malicious links added to your email signature


Once you have reset any changes to your settings, look at your sent folder to see if the hacker sent out any sensitive information found in your email history.

Change Passwords for Other Accounts.  If you are using the same email and password for multiple accounts, get to work changing your login credentials for these services as soon as possible. This would be a good time to choose unique passwords for each service.  Scan your email inbox and trash folders for any password reset messages. Most hackers can identify other websites that make use of your primary email address. Once they have figured that out it is simply a matter of sending a password reset link and you suddenly have a plethora of compromised accounts on your hands. Make sure to reset login credentials for any similarly breached logins.

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PC Magazine
The New York Times
The Federal Trade Commission Consumer Protection Agency

Don’t Let the Summer Heat Destroy Your Mobile Devices

As much as we all enjoy outdoor activities that go along with those “lazy days of summer”, we are always reminded to stay hydrated, use sunscreen, avoid too much physical activity during peak hours, etc.   But, what about our precious mobile devices?  Are they being protected from the heat?

Here are a few things to remember as you’re out and about enjoying the warmth of the summer days.  If you get hot, your mobile devices probably will too.  Read on for a few helpful tips to keep your smartphones and tablets cool and running smoothly all summer long:

1 – If at all possible, charge the battery in your phone or tablet indoors where it’s cool.  Charging any battery will cause it to heat up, and if the temperature is 90 degrees or above it could possibly cause the entire device to over-heat and fail.

2 – Try not to use your device in direct sunlight for extended periods of time on hot summer days, especially if it has a black or dark colored case.  The sun’s hot rays can rapidly turn most any electronic device into a chunk of molten plastic and silicon, and typically, the damage is done before you even realize that it is happening.

3 – Install a quality anti-malware app on your devices to prevent viruses and malicious apps from over-working their CPUs and other components.

4 – Don’t leave your devices in a hot vehicle all day, even if the vehicle is in the shade when you park it.  If you have no choice and simply must leave your device(s) in a hot vehicle, wrap it in a cloth and leave it in the trunk.  Avoid leaving it in the passenger compartment.

5 – Use an app such as Clean Master or CCleaner for Android to keep your devices running as efficiently and cool as possible.These apps can help keep your device’s virtual working environment free of clutter, which in turn will allow the CPU and memory to work less while the device is running.

While we cannot control the outside temperature on a hot summer day, these steps can help protect your smart phones and tablets.  Stay Cool!

Scam Alert – Beware!

The Consumer Federal Trade Commission has recently released a scam alert.

“Have you received a robocall at work, telling you that you have to take action or your Google business listing will be removed? Or maybe even marked as permanently closed? That kind of thing could be tough for a business — if the threat was real. But those calls are not legit—and not from Google.

The FTC just filed a lawsuit against Point Break Media and others, saying they made just those kinds of calls. According to the complaint, people who believed the calls and then spoke to a live telemarketer were told that they could avoid the problem by paying a fee (up to $700). When people paid this fee, the scammers then allegedly targeted them with offers for even more expensive services that would supposedly improve Google search results.  Of course, nobody making those calls is affiliated with Google. And businesses can — for free — manage their own Google business listing.

In this case, the scammers targeted music instructors, house painting companies, car dealerships, and other small businesses. They knew that appearing in online searches is crucial for those businesses, and threatening that connection with customers might make people act before stopping to think.

If you get a call like this, don’t press any buttons. Don’t call the number back, and don’t engage. That just encourages the scammers. The best thing to do? Immediately hang up the phone, and then talk about it with your colleagues or employees. Let them know that:

  • Scammers pretend to be someone you trust. They pretend to be connected with a company you know or a government agency
  • Scammers create a sense of urgency. They want you to rush and make a quick decision without considering options.
  • Scammers use intimidation and fear. It’s okay to hang up the phone and confirm what’s really going on before taking any action.

Then, sign up for the FTC’s Business Blog (, which will keep you up to date on what’s happening at the FTC, and how it affects your business. Also, check out Knowing about scams that target small businesses will help you protect yours.” 1

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Division of Consumer and Business Education, FTC

New Malware Threat Targets Internet Routers

A new malware called VPNFilter has managed to infect over 500,000 routers around the world.

“The Federal Bureau of Investigation warned consumers to reboot their Internet routers and install new software patches, to fight a nasty new malware attack called VPNFilter that has so far infected about half a million devices in more than 50 countries, including the United States.  VPNFilter can be used to steal data, or to order routers to “self-destruct,” knocking thousands of Internet-connected devices offline.” 1

Routers are typically part of the technical devices in the home and at work, but how many of us know how to update software without the help of a technical person?  You would have to look up the brand of the router, its model and serial numbers, know the default password, log on to its internal control software and download a patch from the company’s website.  To some of us, that’s no problem, to most of us, it’s not only confusing, but anxiety provoking.

VPNFilter malware is a threat, and it can wreak havoc.  It can steal critical files from infected machines, or disable the router and knock out thousands of computers offline.  The FBI is working with researcher from Talos Intelligence Group, and they have traced the infection back to a group who appear to be linked to Russia’s military intelligence service.

The latest attack via VPNFilter is especially bad one, since it doesn’t only prevent devices from connecting to the internet, but it can be used for stealing passwords and monitoring internet activity. However, it seems that the attack has been planned for a while now, and both the UK and the US officials have been warning people that the Russian hackers might plan something like this.  The FBI used a court order to seize this Internet address and take it offline. Still, thousands of routers remain infected, including an unknown number in the United States.

So far, the only thing that the people can do to avoid becoming victims of the malware is to reset their routers. Returning them to the factory defaults and updating them is the only way to ensure that the malware is removed from the device.

“The FBI is urging Internet service providers Comcast Corp. and Verizon Communications Inc. and others to check whether their hardware is vulnerable, and work with customers on updating their routers.  Routers by Linksys, MikroTik, Netgear, and TP-Link are affected, as are big external hard drives made by a company called Qnap.  Merely rebooting the routers will wipe much of the toxic code from memory.  But a portion survives, and it will reinstall the malware when the device powers up.  The only sure cure is a software patch for each vulnerable device.” 2

“No other vendors, including Cisco, have been observed as infected by VPNFilter, but our research continues. The behavior of this malware on networking equipment is particularly concerning, as components of the VPNFilter malware allows for theft of website credentials and monitoring of Modbus SCADA protocols. Lastly, the malware has a destructive capability that can render an infected device unusable, which can be triggered on individual victim machines or en masse, and has the potential of cutting off internet access for hundreds of thousands of victims worldwide.”3  Some of the products will handle the update automatically – as a consumer you need to be aware and be able to patch your router.

Don’t leave your networks open to hackers.  As we are connecting other digital devices to our home networks — audio speakers, thermostats, security systems, etc., they all need regular software updates if you want to remain safe.  Spending the time on each device and being proactive is better than having to deal with it in a crisis.

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1 + 2:  The Boston Globe, May 24, 2018
3:   Talos Intelligence
US Department of Justice
Security Global 24

Tech Savvy Ideas for Grads, AND Dads!

It’s that time again! Whether you are in the market for a great and fun gift for a graduation or for Father’s Day, read on…

If your graduate is finishing high school or departing their college campus with a degree in hand, they deserve a little something for their hard work.  Below are a number of options for the tech-savvy grad.  Whether you are giving a gift to spruce up an apartment, dorm, or even help them master a new job, get in to shape, go on an adventure or just have fun, here are some ideas to help you give the perfect gift.

Is Dad tech savvy?  You may even find the perfect gift for him, too!

The 1MORE Triple Driver small, sleek headphones. Unlike most portable models, they deliver excellent sound, with an earplug-like design that limits extraneous noise. The 1MORE Triple Driver also comes with nine pairs of earpieces to help the user find just the right fit.

Edifier R2000DB.  These elegantly-designed Bluetooth speakers deliver very good sound quality and ease of use, masterfully converting any late-night gathering into an unforgettable party. They’re a good choice for the more critical listener in need of a wireless speaker for music and other audio content. This one ships as a pair, so your grad and her hipster friends can hear their favorite songs in stereo.

Nikon Coolpix S9900.  This camera packs a 30x zoom into a relatively thin body. It also has a swiveling liquid crystal display, great for composing selfies and other hard-to-reach shots. It even has a good image stabilizer.

Sony FDR-X1000V. This dependable action cam is one of the best, and it’s a bit pricey, but very lightweight, easy to use, and shoots a 4K resolution video.  It also has new-and-improved image stabilization, designed to counteract low-amplitude vibration, which Sony claims is a common problem when you shoot video from a drone. So, if your certain someone decides to capture an aerial view of himself, shaking with fear while zip-lining, it won’t be a problem – the footage itself won’t be jittery.

Apple Watch Series 3 38mm Smartwatch.  An Apple Watch not only shows that the student is tech savvy (which is great for today’s start-up culture), but it also keeps them organized. The Apple Watch Series 3 is the latest version in Apple’s watch collection and it boasts some amazing features. It’s faster than previous generations — by about 70% — which means that apps launch quickly and the…MORE graphics are smoother. Students can use apps like the heart rate monitor and custom high-intensity interval training to stay healthy or conduct business by tracking meetings, sending emails and managing budgets.

Mosiso Laptop Shoulder Bag.  It fits a 15-inch laptop and features spill-resistant gray denim that fits in with both casual and business looks. The inside has foam padding and a fluffy fabric lining to protect the computer from bumps and scratches. And there are side pockets to store a phone, notebook, and power adapter.

Display2Go Digital Photo Frame.  The electronic signage black wood frame has a built-in speaker that allows users to play audio while cycling through a photo slideshow. The frame also has the ability to play video files.  The digital photo frame also includes a white mat, tabletop or wall mount, and has 2GB of internal memory, allowing users to store files directly on the frame.

Logitech X300 Mobile Wireless Stereo Speaker.  The speaker comes in copper, black, blue, pink and silver, and features a built-in rechargeable battery that powers five hours of continuous music. In addition to stereo sound, this speaker is wireless, and has a built-in microphone to double as a mobile speaker for phone calls.

Skylock.  Perhaps your grad loves cycling. This is a smart bike lock with a built-in solar panel that recharges its battery. Skylock uses 256-bit eliptic-curve cryptography to keep bikes safe, and a touch interface to unlock. With a steel housing, Skylock is extremely durable and tough to break.

Happy shopping!