Securing your Organization’s Computer System and Company Data

Cybercrime can have severe consequences for organizations that are victimized. “Cyber criminals want your company’s financial data, customer lists, credit card information, intellectual property, and anything else they can sell. Besides the immediate impact on your organizations’ ability to operate (for example, ransomware can shut you down), there are significant costs associated with a data breach.”1 These costs include:

  • Potential fines from regulatory agencies for failure to protect personal identification data (PI) or personal financial information (for example a credit card number). Some fines have been in million dollar multiples.
  • Loss of customers.
  • Loss of business reputation.
  • Inability to attract new customers or clients.
  • The cost of notifying all persons and businesses that had their data breached.
  • Costs of providing credit monitoring and identity theft protection for all involved.
  • The potential cost of defending a class action lawsuit against your company for failure to adequately protect sensitive information.

The following tips contain some best practices for keeping your organizations’ computer system, programs, and data, safe from prying eyes.

  • Make sure your firewall is on so that intruders cannot access your system from the internet.
  • Install security software and keep it updated.
  • Filter all email for computer viruses.
  • The more popular a program used by your business is, the more appealing it is a target for cyber criminals. Criminals know that many users do not regularly patch their programs against malware infections, so popular programs give them a wider pool for targeting. Make sure that your computer programs are updated as soon as a security patch is released.
  • Exercise caution when using free 3rd party software claiming they check for software updates. Free software may be bundled with malicious software.
  • Instruct employees that they should never open emails from unknown senders since they might be a source of infection to your company’s computer system. Attached malware might be anything from a virus to ransomware.
  • Tell your employees they should check with senders they know if an email has a suspicious attachment. A phone call to the sender can help avoid the consequences of a data breach.
  • Inform employees they should not open websites they are not familiar with and they should make sure the address bar is the site they want to visit. A random click could take them to a website that is just waiting to download malware onto your company computer system.
  • Buy your software from a reputable buyer and never use pirated software as it may be infected with malware.
  • Before using thumb drives and other portable media, scan them with security software to ensure they are virus.

Protecting your company’s data and infrastructure should be a top priority, but you do not need to do it alone.  The Bryley security team has the training and expertise to protect your company’s data and infrastructure. Please contact us at 844.449.8770 or by email at We’re here for you.

1 (US Computer Emergency Readiness Team) (Consumer Information / Federal Trade Commission (ADP) (Small Business Computing) (Symantec) (Wall Street Journal)


Defining “Virus” – In the World of Computers

There are viruses that can be implanted on a computer today, and lie dormant waiting until a network becomes completely vulnerable before attacking. Unfortunately, viruses have come a long way from 20 years ago. Today we refer to viruses as a specific kind of malware, one that can self-replicate and continue its destructive path indefinitely.

Viruses have gotten faster and more efficient. They can delete photos, files, and entire storage libraries. They’re developed to target Word, Outlook, Windows OS, Mac OS — nothing is safe. They can be designed to affect Facebook or Twitter users, or programmed to steal credit card information. Hackers are often out for destruction, chaos, or potentially for ransom. The more the average person understands them, the faster hackers create new tricks to get in. Viruses can come in the form of a pop up, an email from a coworker, or a completely undetectable program that waits until the time is right.

How does a computer virus find me?

Even if you’re careful you can pick up computer viruses through normal Web activities like:

  • Sharing music, files or photos with other users
  • Visiting an infected Web site
  • Opening spam email or an email attachment
  • Downloading free games, toolbars, media players and other system utilities
  • Installing mainstream software applications without fully reading license agreements

What does a computer virus do?

Some computer viruses are programmed to harm your computer by damaging programs, deleting files, or reformatting the hard drive. Others simply replicate themselves or flood a network with traffic, making it impossible to perform any internet activity. Even less harmful computer viruses can significantly disrupt your system’s performance, sapping computer memory and causing frequent computer crashes.1

What are the symptoms of a computer virus? If you recognize any of these malware symptoms in your machine, it may be infected:

  • Slow computer performance
  • Computer pop-ups
  • Suspicious hard drive activity
  • Running out of hard drive space
  • Frequent computer crashes
  • New browser home page, toolbars and/or unwanted websites
  • Unusual messages or programs that start up automatically
  • Your security solution is disabled 

How Antivirus Works. Most antivirus software works on a signature database, monitoring the internet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Every time a new virus is reported – it’s indexed, catalogued and added to the software’s database. Once your antivirus software is up-to-date it is equipped to tackle the new virus should it ever reach your device.

Who needs antivirus software? 2

These days, everybody needs antivirus software. Computer viruses don’t just come from streaming or downloading movies. Many people think that they can avoid potential threats by making sure they don’t visit certain websites or download certain files. The truth is computer viruses can make their way on to your computer or any other device in a number of ways. You can pick up viruses and malware simply by checking your email, browsing the web, or from putting a USB memory stick into your laptop. Virus protection is a requisite of having your own personal computer.

To inquire about Bryley’s full array of Managed IT Services, please contact us by phone at 844.449.8770 or by email at We’re here for you.




What we can learn from the GOP Data leak

It was recently discovered that a third part analytics firm, Deep Root, had left the GOP’s voting database open to the public.  As reported by UpGuard, a security firm, “The data repository, an Amazon Web Services S3 bucket, lacked any protection against access. As such, anyone with an internet connection could have accessed the Republican data operation used to power Donald Trump’s presidential victory, simply by navigating to a six-character Amazon subdomain: “dra-dw.”1 The database contained roughly 25 Terabytes of data about more than half of the US population’s information including personal identifying information such as birth dates, home addresses, and phone numbers as well as other demographic information like ethnicity and religion.

This leak is a wake-up call for companies to ensure that their data is protected.  There are several steps an organization can take to ensure their data is protected:

  • Password Protect your data. The main problem with the GOP’s database was that it was left unprotected.  Make sure you have a strong password and that it is changed regularly.
  • Institute two-factor authentication. This adds a layer of security as it is used confirm a user’s claimed identity by utilizing a combination of two different components, generally something you know with something you have (in this case the password with a code sent to your email or phone).
  • Have a regular review of your infrastructure. It can often be difficult to do on your own as you may not have all the knowledge and expertise or the bandwidth to conduct a proper evaluation. Do not be afraid to ask an MSP, such as Bryley, to conduct a network assessment and evaluate your infrastructure. They have expertise and breadth of knowledge that will prove valuable and can highlight what you are doing well and areas where you can improve.

If you would like to improve your cybersecurity plan, or to inquire about Bryley’s full array of our Managed Cloud Services and Managed IT Services, please contact us at 844.449.8770 or by email at We’re here for you.


1 Hatmaker, Taylor. Techcrunch.Exposed GOP database demonstrates the risks of data-hungry political campaigns.” 19 June 2017.

O’Sullivan, Dan. UpGuard.The RNC Files: Inside the Largest US Voter Data Leak.” 19 June 2017.

Bryley Named #14 By Worcester Business Journal

We are excited to announce that Bryley Systems was recently named 14th for IT Service Providers by the Worcester Business Journal. It is a testament to our commitment to our clients and putting their interests first.

Each year, the Worcester Business Journal (WBJ) compiles and publishes a list of IT Service Providers throughout Central Massachusetts. The list, published on June 12, 2017, ranked Bryley Systems among the top 15 organizations surveyed. Rankings are determined based on survey results, federal filings and Web sites.

Bryley has consistently ranked well on the WBJ list for the last 3 years.

If you are looking for a business partner to help you navigate the ever-changing technology and cybersecurity landscape, we’re here for you. For more information about Bryley’s full array of Managed IT Services, Managed Cloud Services, and Cybersecurity Services please contact us at 978.562.6077 or by email at


Fireball – A New Malware Threat

A new malware has cropped up on the heels of “WannaCry”.  It is called “Fireball” and has been detected in more than 250 million computers and 20% of corporate networks across the globe.  According to security firm, Check Point, this malware originated in China, and is believed to be “possible the largest infection operation in history.”1

What makes Fireball unique from other malware is that it is used primarily to “manipulate web traffic to generate revenue from online advertisements, transforming browsers into ‘zombies’.”2 generate fake clicks and traffic for the creator, Rafotech, a Beijing advertising firm.  Check Point further warns that Fireball “serves as a ‘prominent distributor’ of more malware,”2 meaning it can cause further viruses to gain access your data and cause more harm.

How can you tell if your computer is infected? “Check by opening your web browser. Is your homepage set to the same website? Are you able to modify it? Is your default search engine the same? Check your browser’s extensions. Do they look familiar? If you answered no to any of these questions, your PC may be compromised.”2

How can you protect yourself and your organization from these threats?

  • Install anti-malware software and ensure it is up-to-date.
  • Conduct regular scans of your environment.
  • Perform updates and patches as they are approved.
  • Enhance your firewall to detect malware before it enters your environment.

These are but a few of the “Best Practices” that can be employed to safeguard your data and business. If you’re ready to protect your organization, it pays to work with a Managed IT Services/Managed Cloud Services company, like Bryley Systems, to ensure that you’re taking the right steps. Bryley will recommend solutions to eliminate weak links in your security chain, and help you develop an organization-wide policy to help prevent data loss.

Please contact us at 978.562.6077 or by email at We’re here to help.


1 Morris, David Z.  Fortune.Chinese ‘Fireball’ Malware infects 250 Million Computers.” June 2017.

2 Channel 5 News. ”Your computer may be infected with ‘zombie’ malware that hijacks browsers.” June 2017.

What you need to know about the OneLogin Breach

OneLogin, a single sign-on service that allows users to access multiple sites and applications using just one password confirmed on June 1st that its systems had been breached and login information had been exposed. According to the firm, this breach affects “all customers served by our US data centre” and the hackers had “the ability to decrypt encrypted data”1. This is the second time within the past year that the firm had its security breached.1

So, how can you protect your data from a breach? One way is to have two-factor authentication, which is a method used to confirm a user’s claimed identity by utilizing a combination of two different components, generally something you know with something you have. For example, when you withdraw money from an ATM, only the correct combination of a PIN (something you know) with the bank card (something you have), will grant the transaction to take place.

One of the safest ways to ensure your data is protected is to encrypt it before placing it in the Cloud or with a single sign-on provider, such as OneLogin. Provided your encryption key has not been generated from a simple password, your data will be protected from any breach to your provider, as the provider does not have the password to gain access to your information.

It is vital that one stays vigilant when it comes to protecting your passwords and data. Even the most difficult password can be deciphered if given enough time. Therefore, it is important to regularly change your passwords and ensure they are strong. We have more information on the Do’s and Don’ts of Password management on our blog.

For more information on password and security, connect with Bryley’s cybersecurity experts by calling us at 844.449.8770 or emailing us at


1 Fiveash, Kelly. Ars Technica. “OneLogin suffers breach – customer data said to be exposed, decrypted.” June 2017.

BBC News. “Password manager OneLogin hit by data breach.” June 2017


WRCC Ambassadors on the Move — Tower Hill Botanic Garden

The WRCC Ambassadors visited Tower Hill Botanic Garden in Boylston, MA on May 3rd. Gavin Livingstone, President of Bryley Systems, is the Chairman of the WRCC Ambassadors.  He is pictured in the front row, 3rd from the right.

Joann Vieria, Director of Horticulture, was our host. She provided some information:

  • Tower Hill is located on 132 beautiful acres with two, large (4000sq’) greenhouses, an education center, outdoor gardens with fountains, walking trails, and views of Mount Wachusett and the Wachusett Reservoir.
  • Core values include:
    • Learning
    • Stewardship
    • Sustainability
  • It was founded in 1986 by the Worcester County Horticultural Society, which originated in downtown Worcester in 1842.
  • Tower Hill hosts indoor and outdoor events and programs year-round, from weddings to flower shows to Tai Chi to gardening classes.
  • It has several, pet-friendly times, permitting leashed-pets and their owner access to walking trails during specified, non-peak hours.
  • Tower Hill is volunteer-oriented; volunteers maintain the grounds, man the receptions areas, and present educational programs with only seven, permanent, grounds-based staff.
  • Affordable memberships start at $25/year (Student) and include access to facilities and most events.

Why Backups are Critical in Fighting Ransomware

Ransomware – usually Crypto Locker and its variants – is a form of cyber-malware based on encryption software that seeks payment (ransom) to undo the damage; when infected, the malware typically encrypts all data files, rendering them useless until the ransom is paid.  (Encryption software scrambles a files’ contents and creates an encryption key, essentially a code used to reverse the process.  Unless you have this key and the encryption software, the files remain unreadable.)

Recently, hospitals and police departments have become victims of ransomware.  Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center was forced to pay a $17,000 ransom in bitcoin to regain control of their computer systems and after repeated attempts to decrypt their data, the Tewksbury Police Department was forced to pay the $500 ransom.

Other than paying the ransom, which is risky and not recommended since it potentially makes you more of a target in the future, the only way to thwart ransomware is by restoring the corrupted files through a backup that was created before the infection.

A properly planned and implemented backup process is vital since data stored on a network server represents many hours of effort over time, making it impractical and usually impossible to recreate.  A properly functioning, multi-point-in-time backup is necessary to provide restoration under these and other scenarios:

  • A server fails
  • A file is deleted
  • A template is written over
  • An application upgrade fails and must be restored
  • A document is inadvertently changed and saved by a user

A backup should be a complete, recoverable copy of not just data, but the entire server/network environment.  It should have these properties:

  • Sequenced over many days
  • Complete image
  • Offsite storage

If you’re ready to get serious about protecting your business data, select a talented Managed IT Services/Managed Cloud Services company, like Bryley Systems, to help you double-check your IT infrastructure, recommend solutions to eliminate weak links in your security chain, and help you develop an organization-wide policy to help prevent data loss. Please contact us at 978.562.6077 or by email at We’re here to help.

Why are people so against paying for IT Support?

I’d be rich if I had a $5 dollar bill (inflation) every time I heard:

  • “My son/daughter/niece/nephew (pick one) who is only 2/4/6/8 (pick one) years old was able to solve my computer problem; why do I need you?”
  • Lisa, a senior VP in our marketing department, handles our IT.”
  • “I’m moving to the Cloud, so I won’t need IT support.”
  • “I looked up the answer on Google; it was easy to fix.”

Sure, anyone with technical interest and aptitude can address IT-support issues, particularly those at the lower, end-user level (comprised of printers, computers, and mobile devices).  Many organizations have that one Lisa/Joe/Patty who helps with IT-support issues (in addition to working their full-time job) or is the dedicated IT resource within the organization; they feel it is cost-effective to have an internal IT person or an IT department, often citing the need for a warm body onsite who can respond instantly, particularly when the President can’t sync her iPhone.

However, IT is a complex field with many moving parts; it is difficult to be proficient, let alone expert, in all areas.  For example:

  • Lisa designed the computer network to be reliable, secure, and robust, but is overqualified (and not cost-effective) helping someone print a document.
  • Joe can change toners, but does not know what to do when the Internet is down; especially troublesome when your primary application is Cloud-based.
  • Patty configures Windows desktop computers and iPhones for employees, but cannot verify that the firewall is doing its job.

Basically, IT is a multi-facet discipline; successful IT support personnel have:

  • An understanding of the components (desktop computers, mobile devices, servers, firewalls, routers, Cloud, etc.) and their interdependencies.
  • A step-by-step troubleshooting mentality that works well under pressure.
  • A willingness to stay current with constantly changing and emerging topics.

IT is an expense, but also an enabler; it is usually fundamental to an organization’s success, often representing an opportunity to get ahead of a less-savvy competitor.  Given the breadth of technology options and the potential to develop new business or reduce costs, more organizations trust (and outsource) their critical IT functions to a Managed IT Services Provider (MSP) or a Total IT Services Provider (TSP).

Truly effective MSP/TSP companies are dedicated to remaining IT savvy while focused on the business requirements and concerns of their clients.  These companies share similar characteristics:

  • A broad, experienced service team with varying levels of competence:
    • Technician (Level-1) – End-user oriented and experienced in the devices common to end-users: Mobile devices, PCs, MACs, printers, scanners, and the like.  They should work well with others, be experienced in end-user operating systems (Microsoft Windows, Google Android, MAC iOS), and have excellent troubleshooting skills.
    • Engineer (Level-2) – Network-device oriented and experienced in Cloud, servers, virtualization, Ethernet switches, firewalls, routers, Wireless Access Points, and other network devices. They must be good troubleshooters and understand network-level IT components.
    • Consultant (Level-3) – Implementers of Cloud-based solutions and local and wide-area networks. Social skills are expected; business skills are a must.
    • Chief Technical Officers (God-level) – Architects of Cloud-based/ hybrid-Cloud solutions and wide area networks. They must understand the technical functionality of all of the moving parts, while keeping the business needs and consequences in clear focus.
  • A proven, capable management team that can focus technicians, engineers, and consultants on the tasks at hand while preparing them, skill-wise, for an ever-changing world.
  • A defined set of business-oriented processes designed to manage, optimize, and secure (coincidently, Manage ● Optimize ● Secure is our tagline) their client’s network environments. These processes are not static, but tend to be ever-evolving and striving toward proactive automation and perfection.

In sum:

  • IT is a complex, changing discipline of multiple levels,
  • IT can enable new opportunities or reduce costs,
  • IT can make or break an organization, and
  • MSPs/TSPs can maximize your IT potential!

If you are looking for a business partner to help you navigate the ever-changing technology and cybersecurity landscape, we’re here for you. For more information about Bryley’s full array of Managed IT Services, Managed Cloud Services, and Cybersecurity Services please contact us at 978.562.6077 or by email at


Main Street in Hudson was quite busy with production and film crews working hard from the early morning hours until late in the evening for a few days in early May. During the filming of an upcoming movie starring David Spade, in “Who Do You Think Would Win”, downtown Hudson was bustling with excitement – and all the action was just a few doors away from Bryley Systems.