Bryley Basics: Why do my outbound emails show up as spam?

Anna Darlagiannis and Gavin Livingstone, Bryley Systems Inc.

I just got a call from a prospect; he notes that his emails are showing up as spam and his email recipients now think he is a spammer.  This is a topic that many email-oriented organizations experience.

Unfortunately, with ransomware growing more common, spam-filtering efforts are getting more aggressive, which makes it even easier to be labeled a spammer and then blacklisted.  Is it a losing battle?

Spam is unsolicited/unwanted bulk email; it is often easily identified, but can also be a bit ambiguous, making it difficult to separate desired email from undesired.

Spam filters, both free-standing (Reflexion, MimeCast, Proofpoint, etc.) and built-ins (spam-deterrents built into Google Gmail and Microsoft Office365) use various algorithms and keyword searches to review incoming email, apply a spam “score”, and then block those that exceed a specific threshold.  In addition, they blacklist repeat offenders considered spammers, effectively preventing the source emailer from reaching their intended audience.

Subject-line triggers are a significant issue; using words like “Free” or “Viagra” in your email subject line (and within the body of your email) can easily get your message labeled as spam.  Send this email to hundreds of recipients will get you blacklisted as a spammer.

In addition, these are other common email-spam identifiers:

  • Generic greetings
  • Grammatical and spelling errors
  • Unusual use of capitals or punctuation (BUY!!!)

Here’s how to stay off the spam-filter radar:

  • Avoid attachments
  • Check spelling and grammar
  • Provide an unsubscribe option
  • Avoid certain keywords1 and subject-line triggers

1Please see The Ultimate List of Email SPAM Trigger Words by Karen Rubin of Hubspot on January 11, 2012.

Michael Carlson, Bryley Systems’ Chief Technology Officer, surpasses 20 years of service

DSCN0527Mike Carlson celebrates his 20th year as Chief Technology Officer at Bryley Systems Inc., an award-winning, Managed IT Services firm based in Hudson, MA.  Mr. Carlson has extensive knowledge in both local and wide-area network design and implementation.  He is a Microsoft Certified Technical Specialist (MCTS), a VMware Technical Solutions Professional (VTSP), and a Citrix Certified Administrator (CCA).

Since 1987, Mike is the fourth Bryley Systems team member to be recognized for over 20 years of service.

How the Web is Won – Real-Life Tips for Getting Highly Ranked by Google

Lawrence Strauss

Google has by far the most comprehensive data on the web.  Its business is virtually completely dependent on people using its search engine.  This means it has an enormous interest in keeping searchers satisfied, that neither an upstart nor Microsoft overtakes it (as it did to AltaVista).  And, given its wealth, it purchases the best talent to constantly improve its search function, continually fulfilling the promise of artificial intelligence while acting less like a malleable machine1.

And if you want sales on the Internet, given the market share we surfers have granted it, there’s no avoiding Google.

So how can you get your site highly ranked by Google? The answer:  SEO (Search Engine Optimization) developed in the wake of the explosive growth of the web.

Twenty years ago there was no “Optimization”; you were trying to appeal to the fledgling Yahoo’s employees, who could manage to look at and review every site. But when machines supplanted people because of web-page volume, the software could be fooled with myriad techniques, including the popular and persistent keywords:meta tags. (Please see Search Engine madness by Lawrence Strauss in the April 2016 edition of Bryley Information and Tips.)

Because its business is built almost exclusively on search results, Google got much better at understanding site owners and seeing through their desire to be ranked first, and their techniques to get there.  So what’s come about is a return to the only really timeless technique, memorably expressed by Phil Frost; the Golden Rule of SEO is create the web page you would want to find if you were searching.

But first a diversion into much less poetic territory; like life itself, Google isn’t fair.

Big business breaks the rules all the time and Google rewards it with the best rankings.  Take for example the Microsoft-founded travel site Expedia:  Expedia was penalized (i.e. knocked down on some search results) by Google for violating its rules about manufacturing in-bound links.  (In-bound links, or links on other sites pointing to Expedia, are meant to be understood by Google’s PageRank as independent votes that boost Expedia’s credibility.)

Why does Google, if it’s interested in serving searchers with good information, reward a page like that?  It has been suggested it is because if Expedia were missing from search results where people would expect to find it, people would doubt whether Google search was working correctly.

So, small businesses are being made to adhere to standards that big businesses can ignore.

If, according to Google, nobody much would notice if your business is missing from the results, and you violate Google’s Quality Guidelines, Google can algorithmically exact a penalty on your site.  These penalties (with over 200 criteria) are not so easy to clear up.  On the bright side in this vein, one of the best things you can do for your business in Google search, and your business in the world, is to build it, or to use the buzz-word, build its “brand” – so that it cannot be ignored. Then it will slough off Google Guidelines like it was launched by Bill Gates.

What exactly is a “Brand”?

I just saw a memorable branding of the bad guys by a red-hot metal bat-symbol in the Batman vs Superman movie. The word comes to business from livestock hide-marking.  And it’s because of this connection that business-people understandably focus on the logo; David Ogilvy taught advertising agencies in the 1980s, an already decades-old chant:  “If your client groans and sighs, make his logo twice the size.”  Ogilvy was grumpy about it, because a symbol is really an almost inconsequential part of doing business.  And, as concerns our topic, symbols are unreadable, and so, useless, to Google search, demonstrating that there is much more to the idea of “brand” to get a good Google rank.

It’s hard to argue against market-dominance being a factor in having a business that is acknowledged with a top position by Google.  But there are great brands that exist in every industry, that win the rankings and sales appropriate to their business size and model.  Bear this in mind when thinking about building your brand: establish its role in the market (or sometimes alternatively called, “mission,” or sometimes “vision”) and values (what are the means by which the business will fulfill its role).

The more consistently these ideas are both articulated verbally and non-verbally, and most important, repeatedly put into practice, the meaning of the brand will be revealed.  And how will it be revealed?  Ever heard the expression, a business has the customers it deserves?  Well the meaning of your brand will end up being reflected back to the business in the form of recognition. And recognition can take many forms:

  • Conversations on social media,
  • Reviews on Facebook pages and other websites,
  • Awards from trade associations, links from industry peers,
  • Citations in industry publications, and so on.

(It’s also not a bad idea to get the ball rolling by asking industry colleagues and customers on occasion to discuss via social media a page you’ve added to your site.)  The main benefit of all this is that your organization gains in reputation and therefore credibility (and along this path, a good Google rank), and therefore sales or for a nonprofit, another form of fulfillment of its role.

They Call Me the Seeker

Most of the web has been built ignoring data about how people search. And that’s as it should be.  For instance, if you have a specific story to tell, if you are building a page or site for a specific community that is being directed to the site in other ways (this newsletter, for example, is created to help the Bryley community), or if you have research to publish.

But if you want your site to be found by strangers among the billions of web pages, consider how people are using the web, which leads back to the idea of getting a good ranking by thinking like a searcher.  Start by asking yourself:

  • In my field what are the questions that Internet searchers are asking?
  • What is the motivation behind the searchers’ questions:
    • Are they looking for free advice only?
    • Are they looking to see who is an expert that they can hire?
    • Are they looking to connect with people with similar interests?
  • How are the searchers asking those questions:
    • What are the popular resources for those kinds of queries?
    • Why do you think those sites are popular?
    • What words are people using to search?

If you’re not, get familiar with Google AdWords’ Keyword Planner; for the last couple of years you’ve needed to sign up for an AdWords account to access it and it is designed for Google’s paid search-results program, but the data is derived from Google searches, and so helpful in understanding what’s being searched for.

One of the best ways to use the Keyword Planner is to enter a top-Google-ranking competitors’ site in the field revealed after you select Search for new keywords using a phrase, website or category.  Google usually does a great job in parsing the site, giving few irrelevant returns, but it gives a lot of returns.  But these can be filtered in the menu to the left, entering, for example 1000 searches/month and a minimum bid of $1.50, as recommended by Dan Shure in the AdvancedWebRanking blog.  This will minimize the keywords that no one searches for and reveal those few that businesses value.

Once you have a keyword or keyword phrase about which you’re planning to build your page, now what?  How do you avoid having a page like Expedia’s keyword-stuffing example that violates Google’s Quality Guidelines, yet still able to attract the interest of Google?

Short answer: put the keyword or keyword phrase in the title tag of your page.  Also include it in the “keyword:description” meta-tag.  This meta-tag is what Google will likely use as the search-return description under the link to your page. This meta-tag is not there to be seen by Google, but by a prospective visitor, so the description should contain the keyword or a supporting idea, be plain-English and be compelling to invite a click – after all it is these people that we’re really interested in, not Google.

Long answer: as Bill Gates said years ago, “Content is king.” And thanks to

Google’s synonym-support, the content of the page should not be redundant, but reflect the variety of terminology used to explain a given subject.  And understand that authoritative content, as Google prefers, means at least 500 words on your subject per page. Matt Cutts, head of Google’s Webspam team advised, “For example, if you’re talking about a USB drive, some people might call it a flash drive or a thumb drive”.

Bear in mind the terms that people will type and think about synonyms that can fit naturally into your content.  Don’t stuff an article with keywords or make it awkward; rather, incorporate different ways of talking about a subject in a natural way.

In May 2015, Google announced that the share of search on mobile outstripped search on PCs for the first time.  With the announcement came suggestions for organizations to make their sites able to deliver information in the moment it is wanted, meaning make sure your site’s load time is speedy.  To test and improve this factor in Google rankings, Google created the PageSpeed Tools.  (To test your page-download speed, enter a web address in the field and click “Analyze”.)  The PageSpeed Score ranges from 0 to 100 points:  A higher score is better and a score of 85 or above indicates that the page is performing well.

While not a wholly comprehensive accounting of what it takes to be in the first rank of a Google search, the suggestions covered here are consistently the biggest effecters:  being the kind of organization that makes people link to its content, creating content that answers what searchers are seeking, and making sure your pages load fast.

Funnily enough, these answers are not too different than thinking about getting your page ranked twenty years ago when Dave and Jerry at Yahoo! were linking to pages manually.  But unlike then, no one sees the same results.

Search history is recorded and weighted in the results (unless a searcher opts out), and social connections are recorded and weighted in the results (unless a searcher opts out). Couple these with a physical location to get the results shown by Google and Bing.

For the web developer, strategically not much has changed, except the weight is maybe more strongly on reputation. But if you’re developing a site, how do you see the results without being affected by these filters and get a truer sense how your site is faring? You’ll have to choose these settings in your browser: Chrome, Incognito Window, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer, Private Browsing.

1 Google notes to support these statements:

$500B market capitalization.

Corridor-9 Data Room Cleanup – Before and After

We recently teamed up with our long-term business partner, Communication Link Services Corporation of Natick, to update the data room at the Corridor-9 Chamber of Commerce.

The Corridor-9 Chamber of Commerce is a business-oriented, non-profit organization servicing Westborough and local communities. Bryley Systems is a long-term member who recently began supporting their IT infrastructure.

Their data room used to look like this:


Volunteer efforts to improve it over the years did not make much of a difference; cables were disarrayed, old equipment lingered, and the visual effect was negative.

We suggested a cleanup and offered to do it without charge. It did not take much urging, and the “after” picture shows the result:


Karen Chapman, President at the Corridor Nine Chamber of Commerce, recently emailed: “Hi Gavin, Thank you so much to your team and Comlink for the outstanding job done.  It brings me great joy to walk into that room now!  Karen”.

Beauty, as always, is in the eyes of the beholder…



Can Windows 10 revitalize the PC?

With the introduction of Windows 10 this summer past, Microsoft (and its PC vendors like HP, Inc., Dell, Lenovo, etc.) are hoping for a significant surge in the sales of Windows-based desktops, notebooks, and tablets. However, the results to date have been modest at best.

Microsoft seems to have done a good job with Windows 10:

  • The update process is free (for a year), reasonably easy (for individuals, but not as much for organizations), and somewhat user-friendly. Also, updates are now “continuous”, mimicking the operating system-update policies of competitors Google and Apple. 1
  • Windows 10 is more secure with enhanced security features and improved look/touch login via Windows Hello.
  • There are new, useful features like Cortana (voice-activated assistant) and Edge (Internet browser replacing the old Internet Explorer).
  • Microsoft added built-in apps like Maps, Photos, Groove, Movies & TV, etc.
  • There are many, new, mostly free apps by third-party developers. 2
  • Reset and Refresh have been optimized for SSD drives.3
  • Some of the wrongs with Windows 8 (ie: no Start Menu) are now righted.

Windows is also somewhat of a player in mobile devices with increasing sales in Microsoft Surface (now a $1B business) and Lumina phones (purchased from Nokia), which contributes about $2B quarterly. (Although growing, these sales represent only 3% of the sales of mobile devices worldwide.) 4

These improvements seem to be part of Microsoft’s two-part mission:

  • Have Windows 10 run across as many devices and screens as possible, and
  • Make consumers love Windows 10, rather than just need it.

On the positive side:

  • Microsoft reports that Windows 10 is installed on over 110M devices to date.
  • Gartner predicts that Windows 10 installations will eclipse Windows XP and Windows 7 by 2019.

However, Windows is losing market share (and has been for some time) to other mobile devices like smartphones and tablets; there are over 2B people running Google Android or Apple iOS-based devices compared to about 1.5B running Microsoft Windows. 5

Another troubling trend: Although PC ownership is relatively stable among adults (at about 73%), PC ownership among 18 to 29 year olds dropped from 89% in 2012 to 78% in 2015. (This may change as these younger folk enter the workforce and require a full-sized keyboard and large or multiple monitors.) 6

Basically, Windows 10 is off to a good start, but only time will tell if the Windows franchise will retain its powerhouse status.


  1. Windows 10 is here and you can get it for free at
  2. 10 (mostly) free must-have Windows 10 apps by Paul Mah at ComputerWorld.
  3. Windows 10: Disk Optimization by Russell Smith,
  4. Microsoft gets hardware foothold as Surface, Lumina sales jump by Nick Statt at CNET on 1/26/2015.
  5. Windows 10 Launch Results: A Success or Fail? in the 7/31/2015 edition of The Gazette Review.
  6. Smartphones, Tablets Take Toll On PC Ownership Among Youth by Joseph Palencher from the November 3, 2015 edition of Twice.

Bryley Basics: Enabling GodMode in Windows 10 (and Windows 8)

With Windows 8 and Windows 10, Settings and Control Panel are separate entities with different functions; it would be nice to access both from the same folder when making configuration changes, rather than switching between the two.

GodMode is a simple and useful Windows shortcut:  It combines Settings and Control Panel into one folder on your desktop.

To enable GodMode:

  • Create a new folder on your desktop.
  • Copy and paste the following into the folder’s name: {ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}
  • You will now have a folder named GodMode that contains all Settings and the Control Panel

Please review Sarah Jacobson Purewal’s article Activate GodMode in Windows 10 in the August 18, 2015 edition of CNet.

Bryley Basics: Undo a sent email via Microsoft Exchange or Google Gmail

Google recently introduced a new feature, Undo Send, which permits the sender to retract a sent email; Microsoft has a similar, though somewhat limited, feature with the ability to recall or replace a sent email named Recall This Message.

Google’s Undo Send works for all emails, but it is time-constrained:  Google permits up to 30 seconds after an email is sent to Undo Send; however, any email-oriented activity other than Undo will end the countdown prematurely.

The Undo option is displayed along with View this Message after every sent Gmail-based email.  You must first access your Gmail account settings and enable Undo Send to make it work.

Bartie Scott of Inc. highlights Undo Send in her article How to Unsend an Email in Under 30 Seconds Flat.

Microsoft’s Recall This Message tries to stop delivery and, optionally, can replace a recalled email message.   Recall This Message requires an Exchange Server and stops email messages sent, but only email sent internally within your organization.  Also, the success of a recall depends on the recipient’s settings in Outlook:

  • If Automatically process requests… is enabled, recall will be successful
  • If disabled, the recipient will receive both the original email and the recall request; the original email is deleted only if the recipient opens the recall message first.

For more information, please view the Microsoft article Recall or replace an email message that you sent.

Given the short timeframe of Undo Send and the limitations of Recall This Message, your best option is to avoid recalling a message by:

  • Double-checking the To, Copy, and BCC recipients,
  • Ensuring that you have attached the desired file (if any), and
  • Giving yourself enough time to cool off before sending a heated email.

Microsoft Windows 10

Microsoft is releasing Windows 10 on July 29th.  It is available as a free upgrade to licensed users of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 through the Get Windows 10 (GWX) application which is part of Windows Updates.  (Note: Some companies, including Bryley Systems, are temporarily blocking this update to permit a controlled migration to Windows 10.)

To minimize bandwidth and processing disruptions, those who reserve now for this 3Gb upgrade periodically receive parts of it until the entire upgrade is downloaded and ready for installation on 7/29/2015.

Windows 10 will run most Windows XP applications.  The Windows 10 Home Edition will likely sell at $119; the Pro edition at $199.

View the article from Mark Hachman at PCWorld It’s official: Microsoft says you can download the final version of Windows 10 on July 29

Anna D achieves Microsoft Sales Specialist

ad16Anna D, Account Executive at Bryley Systems, successfully completed the training and testing to become a Microsoft Specialist for SMB Infrastructure.

Congratulations Anna!

Case-study contest with a $25 drawing in April

Read our recent case study.  Then answer three questions to be entered into our drawing for a $25 VISA gift-card.