Out of the blue came delicious brownies for everyone
What a great surprise!
We here at Bryley are so grateful for the delicious brownies, Kate Ussailis and Camelot Energy brought us.
A lot of Bryley work involves looking at computer screens. So, imagine what a nice surprise it was to have a ring at our bell and find Kate with baked goods – personally delivered here in thanks to the crew that supports Camelot with IT services.
Michelle Denio gave Kate the tour and introduced her to the team.
Bryley published a profile of Camelot when we began working together, intrigued by founder Shawn Shaw’s win-win approach to developing certain solar projects: he holds both compassion for underserved communities – people without access to cheaper, clean energy solutions – and equally for the investors that are risking their funds in the development of these solar projects.
So even before they brought us brownies, we thought Camelot people were pretty special.
Lawrence writes about networking and security. He’s written for Bryley since 2015.
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