Michelle Denio named Director of Service Operations
“We love Michelle!” I hear that from so many clients
–Vice President Anna Darlagiannis-Livingstone
Michelle Denio has been named Director of Service Operations. Michelle joined Bryley in 2008. Her time in tech services and managerial roles gave her the ground on which to display the listening skills, tech knowledge and strategic thinking that have contributed to Bryley Systems’ evolution.
This new role is partly an acknowledgment of the work Michelle has put in to R&D solutions to meet clients’ needs, Anna Darlagiannis-Livingstone said. She takes a lot on herself to see that clients get what they need. And in that spirit, we provided the resources to form a multi-department R&D team to help bring new solutions along more quickly. From the tech-services side, the team leader is Michelle.
I’m excited to be able to take on an elevated view of the technical side of Bryley, Michelle said, and for having a say in the direction the company goes with product and service selection. And I look forward to having more oversight of dispatch, she added, bringing strategies to improve the day-to-day procedures to help Bryley run more effectively and efficiently.
Being with Bryley sixteen years, that continuity is, I feel, a big asset and helps set Bryley apart, Michelle said. I too often hear that there is a revolving door in IT. Being able to call on the history of a client, or problem or service is super helpful. And in return, I’ve picked up a little (or a lot) to help me do my job better from every one of our clients.
Michelle has made Bryley’s tech services into overall a more proactive department, Anna said. Michelle’s planning approach for assigning techs and giving human oversight to automations has helped Bryley efficiently respond when called on. “We love Michelle!” I hear that from so many clients because of how effectively she gets clients the resolution they’re after, and how well she knows the clients.
Lawrence writes about networking and security. He’s written for Bryley since 2015.
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