What Does a Virtual CTO Do for Your Company?
Roy Pacitto
V.P. of Business Development
When and why would you need to hire a Virtual CTO?
In an age where the technology landscape is moving faster than ever, having a clear strategic direction and solid plans for execution are mission critical.
Virtual CTO (vCTO) or Virtual CIO (vCIO) professional service partners provide cost effective expertise and solutions that enable competitive advantage via technology.
Basics of vCTO services include working closely with senior management to:
- Establish governance process and clear direction
- Evaluate the “As-Is” IT infrastructure
- Determine the optimal “To-Be” IT infrastructure and requirements to meet company goals
- Establish, prioritize and assign time-frames to the list of IT initiatives that enable achievement of stated business goals
- Effectively execute to plans
A successful vCTO partnership yields results and accolades:
- A vCTO service pays for itself multiple times over as important initiatives get proper attention and the resources necessary to accomplish goals, at a reasonable cost
- “We now recognize we’re not technology experts and are each best focusing on our individual areas of expertise!” This Bryley client can now utilize people and skillsets where they are most needed and to their fullest advantage.
- Identifies when existing IT systems approach capacity and prevents failures
- Evaluation from a happy Bryley client: “Our vCTO service ensures advanced
planning of technologies necessary to support future company growth that may not otherwise be realized.”
What would having your own vCTO service mean for your organization? In 3 words: Peace of Mind!